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This whole day is completely unreal.

Me delivering Zendaya's daughter, the police having to breakdown our house door due to me not wanting to leave the baby alone to answer the door when they knocked. They came in with weapons, obviously not knowing what to expect but they quickly retreated when they saw me cradling a crying baby, covered completely in blood and other body mush, and with it still connected to Zendaya by the umbilical cord. The paramedics rushed in quickly, one taking the baby and noticing she wasn't disconnected from her mom yet. I was surprised when he asked if I wanted to cut the cord, but I did it. A couple of seconds being in my room, they rushed out with the baby, having to rush her to the hospital to make sure she was alright, which I can understand. I mean, come on she was delivered by an 18 year old guy, soon to be 19 on his bed at three something in the morning. No wonder someone called the cops, anyone could've been woken up by me and Zendaya screaming and shouting.

I got questioned like crazy, asking me when her water possibly broke, how long she was in labor for and I basically had to guesstimate everything. We didn't know. Somewhere during the questioning, they had to wake Zendaya up and she had to deliver the placenta. She cried of course, but just went back to sleep without any questions asked afterwards. When they finished with the placenta, they decided to bring her out to the the ambulance truck and rush her off to the hospital. I was thinking about riding with her cause they were gonna let me, but I thought about how we were gonna get home. Even when my parents and Aiden came back, they wouldn't have enough room in my dad's car for me, Zendaya and now the baby.

So I turned down the ambulance ride and started packing up some things. I went to Zendaya's room and grabbed her a lot of different pj options. I grabbed her socks, bras and underwear then shoved them into my old football duffel bag along with clothes I packed for myself. I also went to my closet where I secretly kept all of the stuff me and Geneva shopped for our 'baby' and took them with me, including the car seat. I had to take it out if the box first and place it in the backseat of my car, strapping it in safely and whatnot.

Oh, we were not expecting this baby to come so soon.

I know how normal it is for babies to come early, in fact, most women apparently don't even make it the whole exact nine months, and if they do, they have to be induced. Zendaya was maybe three or four weeks away from nine months, which is perfectly normal. My mama damn near screamed my ear off as I called her to let her know I delivered her baby early this morning. She said they'd be heading back earlier and should be at the hospital around 10 instead of 12 in the afternoon now. After I had gotten me, Zendaya's and the baby's stuff together, I had practically sped all the way to the hospital. I was too fucking excited, for a baby that wasn't even mine.

But she feels like mine.

Now here I am, sitting in a hospital chair pulled up next to Zendaya's bed where she's still sleeping deeply. I smile at her sleeping face and nearly trip over my feet as the door open allowing the nurses to stroll in with a small clear roller holding the baby. The nurse with the blonde hair smiled at me.

"Congratulations! Have you two talked about names yet?" She chirps a little too cheery and I shake my head.

"Nah, we weren't prepared for all of this to happen so soon." I chuckle nervously and she laughs.

"Apparently, but we checked her all out, you did great with keeping her warm and attached to the mom so that's good." She rolls the roller up to me and I smile widely.

"You know how to hold a baby?" She grins and I bond.

"Baby classes and little brother." I shrug and she nods.

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