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Maybe I shouldn't have said shit. I reached out to Zendaya as she clutched her head, just to make sure she was straight. She moved away from my touch, but I notice her eyes rolling to the back of her head. My eyes widen as her small body starts to fall, but something just came to my mind.

Wait, isn't shorty pregnant? Fuck!

I quickly rush forward and catch her before she hits the hard floor. It really scares me by how light shorty is. Her face is pale and her breathing is ragged and shallow. I looked around the disgusting ass room, wanting to lay her down, but it's just too nasty in here. I reluctantly hoist her small body all the way up and it literally feels like I just picked up my bag baby style. I quietly grumble to myself.

"What the fuck do I do now..." I look around and I almost want to punch the shit out of myself when the thought finally hits me.

Your mom is a fucking nurse, bro!

I nod as I stride through the dirty house and down the stairs where my mom is intensely looking around.

"Ma, something wrong with Zendaya. We were in her room and she started hyperventilating and shorty passed out." I walked over to her and she gasps, placing her hand on Zendaya's forehead.

"Wait?? When?? How long?? What was she doing??" She bombarded me with questions and I rolled my eyes.

"Just a few minutes ago, ma. I pointed out some stain on her bed and she just frozen up then passed out." I shrug with Zendaya flopping limply in my arms and my mom's face turns sad.

"Oh my god, she had a flashback. That must be where it happened." She whispered the last part mostly to herself but I still heard it.

Not even gonna lie, but that must have been hard to come back here. I feel bad for shorty just a little bit. She's still annoying as fuck.

I glanced down at her and my mom snaps me out of staring by snapping her fingers in my face. "Jah! Stop staring, it's rude. Where are the clothes she put in the suitcase?" She motions for me to hurry up and tell her and I shrug.

"She was grabbing a couple of things from her closet and drawers. They should be in a pile on her floor, when she passed out." I sigh deeply, ready to leave this disgusting ass environment.

"Alright, go lay her in the backseat and stay in there with her. We'll leave after I finish packing up her stuff. Go on." She pushed me towards the door and I start walking willingly.

"Wait, Jah!" My mom touches my shoulder, causing me to stop by the door.

"Don't get scared if she wakes up while I'm inside. Just let her get through it herself if she can." She smiled tightly and I watch as she unlocked the car doors with the car key button.

Why would I be scared?

I walked outside, doing what she asked me to and carefully moved one hand from underneath Zendaya, but it doesn't even matter, cause I can hold her up with my other one perfectly. I opened the back door and gently lay Zendaya down. She doesn't flinch at all. I sighed while closing the back door and getting in the passenger seat.

"Fuck! I just want to go back home!" I groan to myself and flinch as my phone starts ringing. I looked at it and quickly answered it.

"Hello?" My heart starts to beat a little faster as Geneva's voice rings out on the other line.

"Hey Jah, you busy?" She sounds like she's been crying again and I sigh wearily.

"No baby, I'm not. What's wrong? Still scared?" I whispered softly and she whimpers.

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