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I jolt forward, almost hitting my head on the dashboard of the car, but firm hands stop me from flying any further.

"Whoa, slow down. We're here." Jahseh's voice soothes me and I let out a sigh, rubbing my eyes.

"How long I been out?" I yawn and he smiled.

"The whole two hours."

"Oh my god, you should've woke me up! I'm sor-"

"Hey, you're 7 months pregnant and barely getting sleep at night, I think I'll survive with just the music to entertain me." He chuckles and I smile softly, my eyes widening at the tall strict looking building we're parked not too far away from. My mind starts to boggle at the thought of my mom that I haven't seen for almost eight months and how she is somewhere in there being fed jello with a plastic spoon. I take in a deep breath and smile at Jahseh.

"Okay, if you say so." I unbuckle my seatbelt and he gets out of the car, quickly rushing to my side and opening my door.

"Thanks." I giggle and let him help me up and out of the car. After I get out, we hold hands and walk up to the building, the whole time Jahseh's just as nervous as me.

"Should I stay in the waiting room or something? If they even have one? I mean, I don't want you to feel obligated to bring me to see your mom, cause it'd be like I'm meeting her, you know? How the boyfriend meets his girlfriend's parents and she meets his, though you already know my parents. You know what? Maybe I should just make sure you get in safely, then I can go and wait in the car-"

"Jahseh?" I sigh out and he stops outside of the building doors. I turn to face him and he looks down at me, nervous written all on his face.

"I'm nervous too, but you're not gonna chicken out on me. Are you?" I tilt my head and he shakes his.

"Nah, I just didn't want you to feel pressured into introducing me to her. You sure you want me there to hear y'all talk and stuff?" He scratches the back of his head and I smile at how cute he is.

"I don't feel pressured and I'm sure, I want you to meet her. Now can we go and get this over with?" I playfully roll my eyes and he laughs, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine softly.

"We probably won't be able to do that in there." He whispers against my lips and I smile.

"Well then good thing you gave me one to survive off of, huh?" I tease and he rolls his eyes, tugging on my hand he's still holding. We walk into the doors and straight into a lobby with one small room with a glass window on the center wall, with a fairly young receptionist behind it. We walk up to the window and I clear my throat.

"Hi, I wanted to visit someone today." I speak clearly and the girl doesn't look at me, but sighs, clicking on her computer mouse.

"And who are you wanting to visit?" She finally drags her eyes up to look at me, and they all of a sudden light up. I frown confused, but then follow her gaze that's not quite at me, but to the right of me-


Oh god.

"I want to visit Claire Stoermer." I manage to say her name and the girl glances at me, finally looking away from Jahseh.

"Oh okay, let me get you two visitor passes." She stands up, smoothing out her clothes and turns, switching away. I feel my face heat up and Jahseh's voice chuckles into my ear.

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