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*3 Weeks Later*

I spew basically my stomach lining into the toilet. I stuck to my word and haven't been using that money to eat. Mom stays upset with me though, but then again who really deserves to be angry? I lean over the toilet again, my thin body racking with vomit and my mom shuffles in with a cold towel.

"Zendaya. Please eat honey, you're getting sicker by the days. You've been getting like this every morning now. Just eat one sandwich. Please?" She begs and pleads, but I sit up and stand, wobbling in the process.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled as I use the wall as my guide back to my bedroom. I lay down and breathe deeply as she walked out my room.

I've been feeling so weird lately, maybe it's because he hasn't been back to beat the shit out of me and my mom. Or maybe it's because I'm not pure anymore. I groan and roll over weakly, burying my face into the now clean sheets my mom got washed.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU KNEW! THAT'S WHY YOU STOPPED COMING OVER HERE!" I flinch as my mom shouts from her room. I sit up quickly and use all of my strength to get up and walk to the hall.

"HOW COULD YOU!? I TOLD YOU TO USE ONE AND YOU DIDN'T!?" I lean on the wall and listen in on her conversation.

"That's what been wrong with her lately. How could you put my daughter in this position? I hate you!" I widen my eyes and push away from the wall slowly.

Who was she talking to? What did it have to do with me? What's wrong with me? I already know there's a lot of things wrong with me, but what is my mom freaking about?

Sighing lightly, I make it back to my room and collapse on my bed as I hear heavy footsteps trudging down the stairs then the front door slams. Seconds later, she comes back in and looks sick in the face. Very sick.

"Zendaya? Honey, you have to eat, it's not a choice anymore. You have to." She sits on the edge of the bed and I look at her with empty eyes.

"Why? If I die, oh well. It's better than this hell I'm living in." I stare at the ceiling and the next thing I know, my mom is gripping my arms harshly, yanking me up.

"DAMMIT ZENDAYA, YOU HAVE TO EAT! YOU'RE PREGNANT!" She let's me go and I stumble back in disbelief.

I have a baby growing inside of me? A baby by a man who violently took away my innocence? I shake my head and sink to the ground.

"I-I don't want it." I put my head in my hands in shock. I don't want this baby. It's a product of the tragic event that happened to me.

"You have no choice, it's already there and you're killing it by not eating, Zendaya." She frowns and slowly walks over to the floor I'm curled up on.

"WELL THEN LET IT DIE! I DON'T WANT IT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU HADN'T LET HIM RAPE ME, I WOULDN'T BE IN THIS POSITION!" My tears slide freely down my face, showing the anger I've been bottling in. She stares at me in hurt and shock. I barely show my emotions and when I do, it's because I'm really affected or broken.

"Zendaya, don't--" I stand quickly, cutting her off. She's not gonna sit here and manipulate me into seeing a bullshit side of how she's not responsible.

"NO! JUST STOP! JUST FUCKING STOP! I'M SICK OF YOU DOING THIS TO ME! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, YOU BITCH!" I stumble over and slap her across the face. She gasps and pushes me away, causing me to fall down. I whimper as my fragile body hits the floor too hard. I'm dying and I know it, but I just don't care anymore. What do I have left in this world?


"I'm sorry Zendaya, I'm--" She stops abruptly as someone bangs on our front door downstairs. It's him, it sounds like him.

"Zendaya! Get up and pretend to be sick in the bed, come on sweetie!" She helps me off the floor and gets me over to my bed.

It seems like it's always like this. Scrambling around at the last minute to lie and cover up for ourselves. It gets old and tiring.

I lay down on the bed, breathing raggedly as I feel like I'm breathing the last minutes of my life, but I'm not gonna say anything. If I die today, so be it. I close my eyes and focus listening in downstairs. I hear loud footsteps and suddenly, my mom shrieks loudly, causing me to jump up from the bed, using all the energy left in me.

"YOU BASTARD! I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!" My mom screams bloody murder and I pratically fling myself down the stairs. I get to the bottom without face planting and see him with two muscular guys in all white holding each of my mom's arms.

"MOM!" I reach for her, but another guy in white grabs me, speaking frantically.

"We got a 17 year old girl, starving, dehydrated, in need of medical care immediately." He lifts me up and I weakly smack his chest with tears streaming down my face. Before they take me out of the house I've never left, he smirks in my mom's face.

"Claire Stoermer, you're under arrest for selling your underage daughter sexually for money in return." He turns, looking for me and winks. I scream like crazy all the way out the door. The warm air chokes me and I raise a hand blocking me from the sunlight.

I honestly can't remember the last time I was outside.

I'm laid down on a stretcher then loud sirens turn on, killing my fragile skull. I wince as a woman, a very young looking woman with big brown eyes smiled softly at me.

"Don't worry sweetie, this will make you feel all better in the morning. Just rest... Just rest." She softly rubs my arm and as much as I want to panic, I can't. The liquid from the needle secretively slipped inside of me has total control.

I'm really terrified to wake up tomorrow...

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