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Saying I've been happy is a complete understatement.

I carry Zaria's car seat into the huge familiar building as Zendaya throws her baby bag on her shoulder and holds the door open for me.

"Thanks gorgeous." I smile and she giggles, walking in after me. We walk up to the front desk, where a different girl sits, who's older though. She gives us our passes and we smile at the guard who always escorts us.

"Oh, I haven't seen you since you had the baby!" He chuckles and Zendaya beams, pulling her car seat cover up and back. He then looks at Zendaya.

"She's definitely your twin, so beautiful. Congratulations to the both of you." He lets us start walking again and we nod.

"Thanks." We speak in unison, and I pull the cover up and blanket back down as we walk past all the rooms. We stop in front of Stoermer like always and the guard lets us in, giving us another smile.

"Hey mom!" Zendaya chirps and Claire gets up, tackling her in a hug.

"Sweetheart! How-" She stops and pulls back, looking down at her stomach.

"What the-" She stops and looks at me, then glance down.

"Oh my god, you had the baby!? I only saw you two weeks ago!" She exclaims and I laugh.

"Yeah, crazy right? She went into labor at home and who who delivered the baby?" I smile sheepishly and Claire's eyes widen.

"Oh my goodness, some boyfriend you are!" She stares at me in pure shock and I nod.

"The fucking best, right? But mom, sorry. I would've brought her by over earlier, but I was so scared to bring her out of the house. She was so small, I mean she still is but-"

"Her? She? You had a baby girl?" Her eyes glisten and she dabs at her forming tears with the sleeve of her newly white shirt.

"I guess you really are gonna show me the right way to raise a daughter." She croaks and Zendaya sighs lightly.

"Mom stop, I want to forget about that." She says and Claire nods.

"Okay. Can I hold her?" She whispers and Zendaya nods.

"Of course." She gives her a small smile and I set Zaria's car seat down on her small desk in her room. I take her out of the seat where she's just staring blankly.

She was listening for new voices, she does that.

I smile at her and she smiles back, cooing lightly as I pick her up. When I turn around, Claire gasps lightly, stumbling back and clutching her chest.

"Oh, she is so beautiful. So much like you." She smiles and I grin as Zendaya smiles sadly. Claire wiped her eyes and face quickly.

"What's her name?" She reaches out, and I hand her to her.

"Zaria Claire." I say and her eyes widen.

"Claire? As in me? I-I don't deserve that, Zendaya." She looks down at Zaria, who's surprisingly tolerating a stranger holding her.

"Mom, I don't care what you think. I know what you did was horrible, but you're trying to make things right now, and that's all that matters. I want both of Zaria's grandmothers to be in her life." Zendaya says confidently and Claire nods, smiling widely at Zaria.

"Hi beautiful. I'm your other grandma, and I love you so much!" She coos and Zaria smiles softly, making the moment perfect. I smile too and glance at my watch, wrapping an arm around Zendaya's waist.

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