Chapter 21

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A/N: sorry i havent updated in a while:/





Died on the fucking spot! I hate you, love you. It's like a love rose petal with you women!


asdfghjkl OHMYFUCKINGGOD! Update asap babe!xx

Everytime someone comments i scream. Is that strange? Oh well. I love you guys so much<3 Thank you for over 5,500 reads and nearly 80 votes!!!


Zayn POV

"I don't even know who you are" This sentence keeps replaying in my head. Over and over and over again. I know he cant help it but it feels like my heart was ripped out of my chest twisted into a pretzel knot and then kicked across the room. My heart is shattered. The love of my life. The one and only person for me, has no clue who I am. ME. HIS BOYFRIEND. Is the one he doesnt remember. He remembers Harry, Louis, Liam and Caleb but not me. It makes no sense. We have been around each other almost non stop since we got together. What did i do? I must have done something to make him forget. I rack my brain for anything but i come up with nothing. I talked to him constantly while he was in a coma so he should know me along with the others. I just dont understand.

"Niall, think hard about anything that reminds you of me. You have to remember me.. You have to" The last part of that sentence came off as a whisper.

"I am sorry, but I don't remember you at all. Why should I?" Niall asked me. He is so confused and i feel really bad for him. Hearing that you should know someone when you think you have no idea who they are. Its tough.

"I want you to remember and figure it out. Its important that you understand it on your own."

"I will keep thinking. This seems really important to you." He paused to think. "I hope this doesnt come off as rude but could you please leave since you are a stranger to me"

"Sure. I understand. Goodbye Niall" I quickly walked out of the building. As soon as I felt the cool outside air on my face i started sobbing. The tears were streaming down my face. I couldnt hold it in. And then a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me tight against their body. I knew from how they smell that it was Harry so i didnt try to stop my crying.

"Shhh. Its okay, Zayn. He will come around" I just shook my head no. He doesnt understand. He has no idea who I am. Niall isnt going to all of a sudden remember who i am.

"Give him some time. Niall will remember eventually. He has to, Zayn. He is your boyfriend."

"We are strangers now"

"No. Dont say that. You are boyfriends. Deep inside Niall knows too. He will remember the love of his life. You have no idea how much you mean to him"

"Harry, He doesnt remember me. I cant still believe that we are boyfriends. I am just a stranger. Nothing more, nothing less"

"Lets just go to my flat, alright? We can relax and watch movies or something" I nodded and followed Harry to his car. The ride was silent. There was nothing to talk about. I am emotionally drained and Harry understood that. "Got any requests for movies?" He said to me. "I'm in the mood for Spiderman" "okay we can stop at the movie store to get it" Luckily the movie store was fairly close to his home so it wasnt much of a bother. He went inside to get the movie and came out with Mountain Dew and popcorn as well as the movie. "I thought some snacks would be good to go with the movie." I just nodded in agreement. We got to his flat and I went to the living room and plopped down on the couch while Harry went to get glasses for the soda and to make the popcorn. He came in with a giant bowl of poporn and the drinks. I think movie night will be good for me. It will get my mind off the days activities.

"Wanna cuddle?" Harry asked. He has always been a touchy feely person. Harry must cuddle with someone when watching films or tv or whatever. He just likes that type of affection. I just scooted over to him and he wrapped his arm over me. I layed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. It felt good to have this type of interaction. I didn't really pay much attention to the film, I just liked being with someone.

"Would you like to stay the night? In the morning we can go to the hospital if you like"

"Sure. Sounds good Haz"

The next morning we woke up and went to the hospital. It was still the same. Niall recognized Harry and not me. It was kind of awkward being there. Everyday for two weeks me and Harry visited him. The day after the two weeks was up Niall had a different reaction to me. I walked in and his happy expression changed to a look that can only be discribed as disgusted. Its like he had never seen such an awful person in his life. His eyes were burning into my soul. What is up with him?

"You" he sneered at me. "I know who you are now" I gulped. I should be happy right? But i feel scared. I have a gut feeling that this is going to be terrible. "You, you, you, Zayn Malik, you are my bully" aww shit. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU VISIT ME YOU BASTARD!? I AM ALREADY IN THE HOSPITAL, YOU CANT HURT ME ANYMORE!"

"Niall, please calm down" Harry attempted to make him stop but he failed.

"ZAYN, GET THE FUCK OUT. ARE YOU MESSING WITH MY HEAD OR? WHY DID YOU COME ALL THESE DAYS IF YOU HATE ME!? YOU BEAT ME EVERYDAY AT SCHOOL AND NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN VISIT ME IN THE HOSPITAL?! HOW BOUT NO. GET OUT YOU PEASANT!" I ran out of the room crying. I seem to be crying way more. Why does he think I am his bully still? I visited him everyday and I told him i drove him home before the accident. Why would he think i hate him? Ugh. This is so hard.

"Excuse me, Mr. Malik, is it?" The nurse said.


"Dont let what Niall said get to you. His memory is bad right now. He hardly remembers anything. He doesnt know why he is in the hospital even though he has been told why. He doesnt remember much before the accident. I am not sure why he doesnt remember your...erm... relationship" I just nodded letting all this information soak in.

"Zayn? Zayn? Where are you, Zayn?"

"I am over here, Haz"

"I am so sorry. I have no idea why Niall did that. His head got pretty messed up from the accident"

"I cant do this anymore, Harry. I am just gonna go"

He grabbed my arm and said, "You need to be with someone right now. I will come too."

"No, no. That is alright. I will call Louis. Please stay with Niall"

"Kay. See you around. Dont forget to call Louis or someone"

Niall POV

I am fuming. I wouldnt be surprised if smoke was coming out of my ears. Zayn had made it seem like we were buddy buddies. He was my bully. MY BULLY. He doesnt give a rats ass about me. But what evs. At least i have Harry, Louis, Liam and Caleb. Speaking of Harry, why the hell was he defending Zayn. Zayn is a bitch. Why cant Harry see that?

"Niall, is it alright if i come in?" It was Harry.

"Of course you can." He walked in and sat by me. "So how are you and Louis doing?"

"You remember that I am dating Louis?" Harry questioned.

"Yes and Liam is dating Caleb"

"Thats correct. So are you dating anyone?"

"I dont believe I am Harold" I remembered he hates when I call him that.

"Ohh okay..." He looks disappointed. I dont understand why.

"Why the long face, Harry?"

"Oh its nothing."


"You wont understand or believe me" Why is he being so stubborn? "How bout we just watch the television, Niall?" I nodded my head but i couldnt get the raven boy out of my head. Everyone likes Zayn but he bullied me so I dont know what to think.



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