Chapter 25

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A/N: Comments(:


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay ziall back together Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay soooooooooo happy awww I love this story ur such n AMAZAYN writer LOVE U!!! XXXXXX :)


Omg this chapter thoe' <3 Update soon! FINALLY THEY KISS FOR A LONG TIME! Well bye c;

Thanks for commenting!!(:


*4 years later*

Zayn POV

Deep Breaths. I can do this. Its one of the easiest things i will be doing in my life. It's easy as 1,2,3. I got this. Yeah, get myself pumped up. Maybe i should practice a bit. I do. I do. I do. Perfect. Perfect like my little Nialler.

"Hey, Zayn. How you feeling?" Harry said to me. Harry has been the best friend over these past few years. He helped with Niall all those years ago. He helped me propose to Niall. I am grateful for all he has done.

Harry came to me and adjusted my tie slightly. He attempted to flatten my jacket. And then he grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Dont be nervous, Zayn. I see it in your eyes, but there is nothing to be nervous about. You and Niall are perfect for each other"

I ran a hand through my hair. "You're right, Harry but i cant help but be nervous. Especially when Niall is standing by me, looking sexy as hell. I just-"

Harry grabbed my face so i was looking at him. "Zayn, Niall probably feels the same way. You gotta relax and go with the flow, mate"

I started pacing around the room. "How much longer until i am needed?"

"Cant be much longer now. Try to think of something else to get you to relax" He came over to me and messed my hair a little so it was perfect quiffed like usually.

"Hey lads, its time" Liam called to us.

"Go get him. Its going to be perfect" Harry reassured me. I nodded and walked out the door. I immediately had people in my face. Caleb and Liam were trying to keep my focused. And a bunch of other people were telling me about whats exactly going to happen. I just need to relax and focus on marrying the love of my life. Some wedding planner guy gave me a flower to pin on my tux before he ushered me out of the building. I walked out onto a courtyard. There was rows of seating for our guests. There was ribbon on all the chairs with blue and purple flowers everywhere. Down the aisle you could see an arc that was decorated in flowers and other decorations. This looked beautiful. Then people started coming to sit down to take their seats.

Now it was my turn. "Zayn, go get em, mate." Harry said. I took one final deep breath and started to walk down the aisle. I started to feel faint. I got down their and stood, waiting for Niall to come. He emerged from the building and as soon as he saw me, he smiled. I am sure i had the biggest grin on my face after seeing him. Niall looked absolutely gorgeous in his tux. I will never forget this day.

"Hey you" i said. I smirked and took a hold of his hand. I squeezed it slightly and mouthed 'i love you' to him.


"I do"

"I do"

"You may now kiss your husband" We kissed and that was it. Niall is now my husband, forever and always.

*2 years later*

"Zayn, i dont think i am ready. Lets go" Niall said to me. He was breathing really heavily. I turned to him a touched his cheek with my finger and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Niall, you will be great at this. We always wanted this. It will be fine, but if you want to leave. We can go" i kissed his cheek quickly. "No, no. I dont want to ruin it for you. I know how bad you want this. I just need to get used to the feeling that a little person will need me to take care of them." I nodded and gave him a hug. "You will be a great father"

Then we walked into the adoption building. "What can we do for you today?" I lady said to us with a smile.

"Well im not sure how this works but we would like to adopt a baby" she nodded and gestured for us to follow her through two big doors. We walked in and there was many baby cribs.

"Is there one that stands out to you? One that you would like to have?" Me and Niall both went to the same crib. It was a boy that had curly brown hair like Harry but had soft brown eyes like myself. "This one?" Niall asked me, obviously excited. I nodded. "Okay this one. This little boy is named Vinnie, but you can change it if you like." We decided to keep the name. It seemed to fit perfectly. Niall took a hold of Vinnie and rocked him back and forth. I slowly started to cry. Niall and I were going to be parents. Niall look so adorable holding our child. OUR child. Its nice saying thay we have a child together. We will be raising this child and i couldnt be happier.


A/N: Thats it for this story. Hope you liked the ending!(: thank you to everyone who has read/commented/voted on this story. Love you all<3

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