never thought it could happen

Start from the beginning

"I don't feel like flashing everyone my tits at-" She glances across at the alarm clock- "-six forty in the morning."

"What tits?" Hailee asks.

Camila's jaw drops, and Hailee doubles over in laughter. "Fuck you!" Camila squeals, lunging to push Hailee, but Hailee just grabs her waist and pulls her close to her, meeting her lips in a smiling kiss. "Fuck off," Camila says into her mouth, while Hailee just laughs and laughs between kisses. "That's so fucking mean. Apologize, please."

"I'm sorry." Hailee tugs her flush against her chest, still laughing. "Aw, somebody's sensitive this early in the morning."

In retaliation, Camila bites Hailee's bottom lip, and Hailee draws back with a gasp. "Jesus fuck!" She scrunches up her nose, her arresting eyes narrowing at Camila. "You little psycho." And then she grabs Camila's wrist before she can stand up, and they're kissing again, harder this time, laughing against each other's mouths.

"Don't pretend you didn't like it," Camila tells her, and Hailee's hands twist into Camila's hair, deepening the kiss. At this rate, they'll never get to breakfast.


After they pick up coffees and croissants, they walk together back towards the apartment, the LA sunshine nearly blinding. "What are some of your pet peeves?" Camila asks out of the blue.

Hailee chuckles, then pecks her cheek. "You're so silly," she says. "You always ask the most random questions out of nowhere."

"Oh." Was that weird? Camila never thought it was weird before. She was eternally curious. "Sorry." And then, "Do you have an answer?"

"Hmm." Hailee takes her hand, interlocking their fingers. "I guess maybe people pleasers. Like, if you're so eager to please, you really end up pleasing no one, you know what I mean? You just come off desperate."

"Oh," Camila says again. "But don't you worry about what other people think about you?" Hailee seemed kind of socially anxious, sometimes. It was weird she'd say something like that.

Hailee laughs her light, pretty storybook-fairy laugh. "Well, of course," she says. "But I don't think I'd go out of my way to try and make someone else happy. I'm secure enough in myself to know that if I come off badly and someone else thinks I'm a bitch, that's really none of my business."

"Wow." Hailee was just so cool and confident and Camila didn't know how she did it. She makes a mental note to stop being such a people pleaser. Desperate. She doesn't want Hailee to think she's desperate. "That's really admirable."

"Well." Hailee shrugs, and Camila can already see the hint of a blush on her cheeks. "I don't know. It's just what I think. What about you?"

"Pet peeves?" Camila racks her brain for something interesting and fun and not desperate. "I guess when people at House of H don't tip. I mean, we're up there singing and shaking our asses and they don't even pay for the entertainment?" Or when people make me feel stupid, she reflects silently, but that's kind of depressing so she doesn't say it out loud.

Hailee laughs, again. "You crack me up," she says. "Don't they already pay an entrance fee?"

"Well, yeah, but they should still tip us for our service. Like a stripper or a waitress or a drag queen. It's just common courtesy."

Hailee's still laughing and Camila pouts at her, even though Hailee's doing that thing where her eyes are all crinkled up and she looks supermodel-gorgeous and impossibly adorable at the same time. "Hey, I'm not joking."

Her girlfriend pulls her closer and then places a soft kiss on top of her hair. "I know, baby. You're just funny."

"I don't understand-" Camila begins to protest, but then Hailee is tugging her into the alley so she can push her up against the wall and kiss her, and any complaint she has disappears right off her lips.

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