Chapter 9: The Damned - Part 2

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Jet gestured towards the seat Sokka abandoned, luring him back. Sokka let out a struggled sigh and spun on his heel, making his way towards the fighter's side. Charlie didn't miss the sly smirk Jet's lips twitched into for a split second before he clapped a hand to his shoulder.

"I'm glad you decided to hear me out. A few days ago, we got word that there were a group of Fire Nation assassins coming after us, trying to find our base. They'll kill everyone here if they find us." His expression hardened as he paused, looking over his Freedom Fighters before settling his gaze back on Sokka. "I need your help stopping them, before they get to us first."

Judging by the look on his face, Sokka was obviously conflicted. Charlie knew he didn't trust Jet, but he couldn't lose an opportunity to prove himself and save innocent people from the Fire Nation. He grit his teeth and averted his eyes to the table in front of him.

"Okay, I'll help. But afterwards, we really do need to leave."

Jet nodded then looked to her, an expression of false innocence painted on his face as he cocked his head to the side. "Charlie, you're coming too, right?" She knew what game he was playing. She was too risky to be left unsupervised, especially after the recent misplacement of the blasting jelly that Charlie knew Jet was already suspecting her of orchestrating.

Charlie scrunched her nose. "Look, I don't think—" She was cut off by a sharp jab to her side. She shot a glare to Sokka, only to find him staring at her wide-eyed with a pointed look. Charlie narrowed her eyes and shook her head, but Sokka raised his eyebrows, bouncing his gaze rapidly between Charlie and Jet. A moment after their silent conversation, she let out a struggled sigh of annoyance before staring at Jet with an emotionless expression. "—I'd even consider missing it."

She hated how he considered this a win. So when Jet gave his signature proud smirk, Charlie hardly brought her elbow down on the table, propping her head on her hand with wide eyes and a smirk to rival his. "So Jet. I hear your plan to save the village is going well."

To anyone else, it sounded like a compliment, but given what Katara had told her earlier about losing the blasting jelly, she knew it was a sore spot. The intense glare she received from him wasn't surprising, but the fact that no one else noticed was. Or, maybe they had and chose to ignore it, giving the benefit of the doubt to the roguishly charming teen. It was the hair, probably—that semi-dishevelled but undeniably attractive mop that swayed everyone. Charlie only beamed back in response.

The rest of the feast was somewhat uneventful until Katara and Jet scampered off on their own, and Aang left to check on Appa who'd been lazing in the treetops. Sokka and Charlie both decided to retreat back to their treehouse. He walked at a fast past, wanting to get away from the Freedom Fighters, leaving Charlie trailing after him. When she caught up, Sokka turned to look at her.

"Do you know what happened to the blast jelly?" he whispered with a knowing smile.

Charlie quirked back her own pronounced lip-purse. "I may have... temporarily requisitioned it earlier."

"So you stole it," Sokka corrected.

"Let's not get caught up in the details," Charlie said, waving her hand through the air. The two of them came to a stop in front of their treehouse, stepping through the archway into the small room. They were quick to whip out their sleeping bags and settle in, but not before Sokka asked her one last question.

"Do you trust Jet?"

Charlie gave him a quizzical look. "Hell no. Why would I trust that leaf-munching prick?"

He seemed to relax slightly under her words. "Okay good. Neither do I. I still think it was a bad idea for us to stay, even if Jet really did need my help."

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