Chapter 6: The Fire Sages - Part 1

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Charlie and Sokka had stared at each other for just a moment too long, enough to make the atmosphere feel really awkward. Sokka had already shared his thanks with her, but her fingers remained wrapped around his wrist, just above his fingerless leather gloves.

"Uh," Charlie let out, quickly removing her hand from his arm. Sokka cleared his throat, fidgeting a bit more than necessary. "We should go."

"Yeah," he agreed, spinning on his heels. Charlie bit her lip as he walked out the doors, slowly following after him.

"I'm sorry, buddy, but Katara, Sokka and Charlie aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us," Aang said, trying desperately to make Appa move. "So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!"

"I think his big butt is trying to tell you something," Sokka joked, walking around the bison to face Aang.

"Aang, please don't go on your own. We can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation," Katara admitted, staring at him with wide eyes.

While they tried to convince him, Charlie was already climbing onto Appa, pulling herself up the curve of his tail until she reached his saddle. She settled herself down, sprawling out her legs while crossing her arms.

"But I need to speak to Roku before the sun sets on the Solstice," Aang argued, dropping Appa's reins. "And that's today!" With a jump, he propelled himself onto the bison's neck, letting out a small yelp as he saw Charlie sitting and staring at him with a deadpan expression.

"You don't actually think we'd let you go alone, right?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"We've got your back, Aang," Sokka said, the corner of his lips twitching into a soft smile. Within minutes, the whole gang was heading west towards the Fire Nation.

The sun was moving faster than usual. Charlie ended up taking a nap for a few hours, exhausted after pulling two all-nighters in a row. In all honesty, she had no idea how she was still functioning. When she reawakened, feeling more refreshed, the sun was already high in the air, despite only sleeping for around four hours. Sitting up while rubbing her eyes, Sokka suggested that they must be getting close to Fire Nation waters. While Aang directed Appa, Charlie scooted over to the back of the saddle, peeking over the edge, looking for any sign of land. Katara did the same, sitting beside her to keep a lookout below, and Sokka watched from the opposite edge of the saddle.

Aang gave the reins a quick shake. "Come on, boy, there's still a long way to go, we've gotta move faster!" he said, getting a grunt in reply from Appa. With a strong flick of his tail, Appa sped up, flying faster through the clouds.

"Woah!" Charlie exclaimed, not ready for the change in pace. She lost her balance as her grip on the saddle loosened, colliding into their stack of supplies face-first.

"Are you okay?" Katara asked, shuffling to her side. Charlie pushed herself up, waving off the girl.

"I'm good," she insisted, quickly becoming distracted by a familiar dark metal boat, topped with a bright red flag. "But we've got company." Charlie pointed at the distant ship which was quickly gaining speed.

"Can't Appa go any faster!" Sokka asked, his voice cracking slightly.

Aang looked over his shoulder, calling back, "He's going as fast as he can!"

Charlie's eyes widened as she saw a bright orange flame light on the deck of the ship. "What the hell is that?" she asked, squinting her eyes. Katara looked over the back of the saddle, letting out a gasp when the fire shot towards them rapidly.

"Fireball!" she shouted out, causing Aang to tug Appa harshly to the right. The fireball narrowly missed them, leaving behind the terrible stench of the blast jelly that covered the rock. Charlie buried her face inside the nook of her arm, her eyes watering at the smell.

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