Chapter 5: Hei Bai - Part 3

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Charlie had been sitting next to Katara in silence since the sun had set. The waterbender wrapped her arms around her legs, hugging them to her chest as she looked out into the forest. She sat just beyond the opening of the village walls, while Charlie rested with her neck and head propped up against the connecting pillar to the right. Her legs were sprawled out, and her fingers were interlocked over her stomach. Charlie stared at the side of Katara's face, seeing her disheartened expression before sitting up with a sign. Katara took no notice of her, even after she shuffled to sit next to the younger girl.

"Hey," Charlie whispered in a comforting tone. "It's all going to be okay."

"I know," Katara said, the corners of her lips turning downwards. She looked at her knees for a moment before grabbing Sokka's boomerang from beside her, clutching it tightly to her chest. Charlie frowned for a moment, unsure of what else to say to cheer up the grieving teenager. It was the first time she'd been alone with Katara, so she hadn't particularly formed a bond yet, making it almost awkward. On top of that, Charlie wasn't great at cheering up people who were genuinely hurt. She wasn't great with people, at least, not about the more serious things like relationships. In fact, she was pretty bad at giving emotional advice. The random things, on the other hand, she was usually good with, being a self-proclaimed impressive conversationalist. Maybe it was her naturally argumentative personality. However, she could barely deal with her own emotions, let alone everyone else's.

All she knew to do was give Katara comfort through proximity, staying by her side until the sun rose. Aang didn't return until far later in the day, nearing sunset. Charlie and Katara were about to talk shelter in the community building with the rest of the villagers when the waterbender gasped, her eyes lighting up for the first time that day.

Charlie whipped around to see Aang flying down on his glider, circling the village before landing with a gentle breeze of air.

"Aang!" Katara rushed to the airbender, where they shared a hug. Momo also came to greet him, landing on his shoulder with a playful chatter. "Where's Sokka?"

"I'm not sure," he admitted with a frown, pulling his gaze away from her. Katara's smile faltered as she spared a glance at Charlie.

"I thought you said he'd be fine," she questioned, eyes glazed over.

"And he will be. Just give it 'till nightfall," Charlie promised, with a single nod. "Oh, and glad you're back, Aang."

He offered her a small smile before going to stand by the entrance of the village, waiting for Hei Bai's arrival. Meanwhile, Charlie and Katara retreated back inside the community centre with the rest of the village, watching on from the window.

Her fingers twitched, a strange feeling rising in her stomach. It was the same feeling she'd experienced the first time Aang stood outside alone, while she'd just watched on. Wind rustled the trees, blowing a ribbon of leaves through the village. The rhythmic buzz of cicadas crying from the forest could be heard from where Charlie stood. Wind chimes rang, their echo only contributing to the eerie silence.

The chimes had no chance to complete their song before Hei Bai shot his arm through the building attached to it, shattering the wood to splinters. She jumped back with an involuntary yelp escaping her throat, and the spirits face shot in her direction. With a piercing screech, Hei Bai appeared almost instantly in front of the community building the village resided in.

"No!" Aang shouted out, propelling himself over the spirit with a blast of air. He twisted around, placing a hand between Hei Bai's eyes as he glided past. Beneath his next roar, Charlie could see the weak outline of another being inside of him, appearing to be akin to a giant panda.

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