Chapter 6: The Fire Sages - Part 3

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Zuko stormed up to the other Fire Sages with a fierce expression. "Open the doors!" he ordered, leading them into sending five fire blasts towards the metal passages. Their efforts proved unsuccessful when the door remained sealed shut. "Why isn't it working?"

"It must have been the light—Avatar Roku mustn't want us inside," one of the more irrelevant Sages rasped out.

"No shit, man," Charlie interjected from the side, unable to suppress her involuntary eye roll.

"Stop talking, peasant!"

"Wow, harsh. Really, I'm hurt. Deeply offended even. That settles it—you're dead to me. Once I'm out of these chains, it's all over for you," she deadpanned, staring evenly at Zuko.

"You won't be leaving anytime soon," he growled in a way that was supposed to come across as threatening, but Charlie wasn't fazed.

"You could be right. Apart from the fact that you're wrong," she said flippantly, relaxing her weight against the pillar. She crossed one leg over the other from beneath the chains. Charlie snickered, watching his face heat up with anger.

"Charlie, I don't think we're in the best position to be antagonising the enemy," Katara stated softly, looking at her worriedly.

"Yeah don't worry, Aang's gonna pop out of there soon enough all over-powered and whatever, those old guys won't stand a chance," she told them honestly. "No offence, Mushu," she added as an after-thought, sparing a glance to the helpful Fire Sage bound on the floor next to them. "I'm sure you're not that old."

"That's not my name—"

Zuko cut him off, storming up to the guy with a pointed finger. "You! Mushu—why did you help the Avatar?"

He blinked once at the prince in disbelief before shaking his head. "It was once the Sage's duty. It is still our duty," he breathed out in a deep tone.

A slow clap echoed throughout the room. Charlie arched her neck, peeking around the pillar to see Zhao walking towards them, six soldiers following behind him. "What a moving and heartfelt performance," Zhao said, eyebrows raised with false sincerity. His face began to shift into something more menacing, twisting his lips into a cruel smirk. "I'm sure the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him."

"Commander Zhao," one of the Sages gasped out, falling into a deep bow.

"And Prince Zuko," Zhao continued, turned to face the angered teen. "It was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work." He crossed his arms slowly over his armour, letting out an oddly satisfied chuckle. "Two traitors in one day. The Fire Lord will be pleased."

Two of the guards circled Zuko, grabbing his arms from behind before he lunged at the commander. "You're too late, Zhao," he said through gritted teeth. "The Avatar's inside and the doors are sealed."

Zhao took another step closer to Zuko, looking down at him with a patronising smile. "No matter," he said casually, sparing a glance for the sanctuary doors. "Sooner or later, he has to come out."

"The amount of confidence you're showing is truly inspiring, Zhao, really—especially in the face of definite loss." Eyes snapped to Charlie, including those of Zhao, who's narrowed into slits.

"Have you no respect, girl?" he growled.

"For you?" Charlie leaned forwards slightly, staring at him evenly. "No."

"You insubordinate little—"

"Well, that's a new one."

Zhao inhaled sharply, his face morphing from one of anger to a sly smile that made her immensely uncomfortable before turning to his soldiers. "Men, chain up Prince Zuko. I don't want him getting in my way again. Then guard the doors, and when they open, unleash all of your fire power." Zhao turned his head to glance lazily over his shoulder, his back to Charlie. "Maybe that'll teach you something about respect."

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