Ch. 23: A Little Too Late

Start bij het begin

Myungjun: And you seemed a lot troubled when I brought Y/N, last time!

Eunwoo gives Myungjun an annoyed look which just seems to amuse him and raises his hand to quiet the others.

Eunwoo: Any of you guys seen Moonbin?

I look at Eunwoo with wide eyes, surprised that he knew who I wanted to talk to, then turn to the other members who shake their heads.

Myungjun: Haven’t seen him, but he’s obviously coming.

Jinwoo: Myungjun-hyung’s right. He’s the one who requested this last practice, anyway.

Eunwoo then turns to me and smiles reassuringly. I nod and smile back, still hoping I could see Moonbin before their performance.


20 minutes later

Myungjun: Aish! Where is he?!

Jinwoo: We’ve waited for 20 minutes already!

Minhyuk: Sanha hasn’t even come, yet, either.

I start to lose hope as the others start complaining and I sigh as I stand up and look at the other members.

Y/N: I’ll go look for him.

The members stop complaining and look at me with surprised expressions. I smile softly then walk out of the room.

Eunwoo’s POV

I turn to the other members once Y/N has left the room.

Eunwoo: You think she’ll ever find him?

The others sigh and shake their heads.

Jinwoo: I don’t know...

Myungjun: It’s obvious that Moonbin is avoiding her.

Suddenly, Minhyuk sits up and I see an annoyed look on his face.

Minhyuk: What’s with those two, anyway?! It’s obvious that they both have feelings for each other, so why do they have to be dramatic about it?!

I look at Minhyuk with wide eyes and he looks away.

Minhyuk: I’m just saying.

Dahyun: You’re right.

We all turn to Dahyun and see her smiling brightly.

Dahyun: Y/N won’t find Moonbin.

I look at Dahyun with a confused look and she smiles sweetly, suddenly making my heart pound.

Dahyun: Moonbin will find her.

I quickly look away from her as the pounding seems to get louder.

Eunwoo: Y-yeah... sure.

Your POV

I turn the corner to the music room and suddenly hear singing from inside.

That voice... I recognize it...

I quickly go to the front of the music room and slowly open the door. I smile as I make eye contact with the person inside.

Y/N: What are you doing here? The others are waiting for you at the dance room.

Sanha looks at me with a surprised look.

Sanha: Huh? Oh, I thought it would be here! I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes already. I was wondering why no one was coming.

Sanha laughs nervously and stands up.

Y/N: By the way, have you seen Moonbin?

Sanha looks at me with a confused look.

Sanha: Aniyo. Isn’t he already at the dance room?

I shake my head.

Y/N: You and Moonbin are the only ones who haven’t arrived yet.

Sanha: Oh... Mianhae, I haven’t seen him.

I sigh then smile at Sanha.

Y/N: It’s okay. I’ll just keep looking for him.

We then walk out of the music room then part ways, Sanha going to the dance room and I going to the school entrance. As I walk towards the school entrance, I suddenly start to feel as if I’m being watched. I stop walking and look around but see no one.

What was that?

I continue walking but the feeling still won’t disappear. Finally, I reach the school entrance and I sigh again.

Y/N: Where are you?

I start to become annoyed and I suddenly find myself shouting.

Y/N: Yah! I lied, okay?! I still like you! What I said last night, I only said it because I was so mad, I couldn’t even control the things I’m saying!

I start to feel tears form in my eyes. Suddenly, I hear someone sneer from behind me and I turn around to see a girl from our class.

Ji Na: You’re such a fake.

My eyes widen as she walks towards me, smirking.

Ji Na: And you’re a slut, too.

Ji Na glares at me and I start to step back from her.

Y/N: J-Ji Na, what are you-

Suddenly, Ji Na shouts angrily as she runs towards me and pushes me down the stairs. I shout as I start to fall back when Moonbin suddenly appears and places his arms around me as we both fall back. I see Ji Na’s eyes widen as Moonbin and I fall down the stairs.

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