55. Australian surprises

Start from the beginning

I didn't want to say this cause I know mum was eavesdropping. Is your period late?

Now that you make me think of it, by a couple of days, but I'm never regular. Why you ask? She typed confused.

I'd suggest you take a pregnancy test. I might be wrong, but better to check, in case you fancied a cigarette or a glass of wine.

Noemi knew her too well. Could she be pregnant? Yes, she and Seb had been less careful with protection, since they had discussed the topic months before. Maybe Noemi was right, Valeria decided to buy a test on her way home.

Valeria woke up suddenly. She had got home late the night before and she took ages to go to sleep, the stress still not brushing off. She got up from the empty bed, longing to be in Seb's arms. He always managed to make her feel calm but at that time he was probably dealing with the first lot of interviews. She went to the toilet and opened the test she had bought the day before with shaking hands. She would have preferred to wait for him, but if the GP was going to go ahead she couldn't wait another 5 days. She did what she needed to do, set a timer and turned the TV on to see Seb, Lewis and Daniel on the screen. She took a deep breath, she missed the world of F1 already but what Ferrari had done during winter testing had really angered her.

Looking handsome as usual, Bärchen. She messaged Seb.

Lewis had just mentioned how surprised he was the race was still going ahead when he seemed to be cut off.

'classic F1' she huffed, jumping as her timer beeped. She looked at the test on the coffee table, scared. She didn't knoe what she wanted the result to be, but she knew she wanted Seb there with her. Her shaking hands approached the stick, slowly. She turned it around to see a 'pregnant 2-3 weeks' on the screen. She froze, staring at it for what felt like hours. She was pregnant! She was going to have a baby with Sebastian fucking Vettel.

'Seb. I need to tell him. I can't tell him by message, that is so tacky. I want to tell him in person. I can't travel to Australia, what am I thinking? I need to call him at least' her mind was travelling a thousand miles per hour.

What are you doing up already? Are you OK? Still sick? Seb had replied.

I'm OK, but please call me whenever you can. Nothing bad, don't panic. Love you

I have a couple of things to do, I'll call you straight after. Love you too

Valeria took a deep breath, she wasn't going to tell anyone until she had spoken to Seb. She started reading about what foods she needed to avoid and what to do, realising she had no idea how to be an adult. She was lucky Seb seemed to be the most head on shoulders person she had ever met.

She made herself a hot drink, without caffeine because apparently she had to give up her insane amount of coffees, and made herself some breakfast. Her phone finally buzzed with Sebastiano and a picture of Seb pulling a face. She picked up the video call.

'Guten Morgen, handsome' she said, as soon as his face appeared on the screen. He seemed to still be in the garage, in his driver's room.

'for you, probably. What a mess, babe. It's like Monza Q3 all over again' he joked 'you look... well rested' he teased her.

'I know, I couldn't sleep' she smirked, Seb could always make her feel a thousand times better, even with just a glance from his bright blue eyes.

'tell me, what's up?'

'are you by yourself?' he shook his head as he turned his phone to Britta and Antti. 'hey guys, alright?' she smiled at both of them 'can I be a pain and ask to borrow Seb for just like.. 5 minutes?'she asked. The two nodded and left the room.

'Are you breaking up with me?' Seb joked, unbuttoning his polo buttons as he fanned his face with his free hand.

'listen, there is no easy way to do this and I would have preferred for you to be here' she started.

'Oh shit, I was joking. Are you actually breaking up with me? This was a long marriage' he asked, looking serious.

'No, idiot.' She laughed. 'Let me finish. So you know I have been feeling sick and that? Noemi suggested I'd take a test... a pregnancy test, so I did...' she watched Seb's jaw drop, whilst his eyes sparkled a bit.

'are you actually telling me what I think you're telling me?' he asked, Valeria could see he couldn't contain his emotions.

'yes.'she replied. She could see tears forming in Seb's eyes.

'Oh mein Gott, this is great news! Oh dear, I'm going to be a dad?' he was practically crying.

'Yeah' Valeria started crying too. She heard a knock on the door. 'sorry, I wanted to tell you in person but couldn't wait 5 days.'

'It's the best news you could give me, I don't care how you told me. Oh god. I'm gonna be a dad.' They knocked again. Britta identified herself. 'Come in! Can I tell her?' he whispered. Valeria nodded.

'amore I'll speak to you when you can, ok? Love you' she said, hanging up.

'Is everything OK?' Britta asked him, as Seb dried his tears off his face.

'Yeah, absolutely perfect. Vale is pregnant' he whispered back to her. Britta gave him a bright smile.

'CONGRATULATIONS!' she beamed 'I want to hug you so badly, but I have bad news I'm afraid. Someone at McLaren tested positive but it seems like we are still going ahead tomorrow.'

'Are these people idiots?' he asked, walking out of his driver's room. 'I don't care, I'm going home. Especially now' he continued, in German. 'can you book me onto the next flight out?'

'are you sure?' she asked.

'I owe them nothing. I owe Val a lot. I'm going to see her.' He replied.

Seb, I'm going back to Switzerland. This is ridiculous. Please give Val my love and I hope she feels better soon. Kimi messaged him.

Doing the same. Give my love to Minttu and the kids. He replied.

He took a deep breath, nothing else mattered. He was going to be a dad.

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