Chapter Two: Winners And Crushes

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They all attended Leah's showcase. She demolished her competition.

She could now compete in the master class. She was really excited because she was another step closer to achieving her dream of becoming Kalos Queen.

Today was also Ashley's sixteenth birthday. They had all of the family over and all 5 his friends. Later that night, Ashley and his friends went into his room. They just watched movies all night because they did.


The next thing you know it's morning.

His friends left later that day and Leaf came over again. Leaf was busy yesterday, so she came over today. Her gift was, well....more making out. Leaf's birthday was in a week, so Ashley had something special planned.

Serena was at work. Her day job was teaching performance classes because now she was too old to still compete for Kalos Queen. The last time she defended her title was when she was 19. The cut-off age for Kalos Queen is 25, but as you know Serena decided she was done and that she wanted to start a family with Ash.

Ash was also at work, which was battle classes.

Since their home is close to the main town in Pallet, Ashley decided to take Leaf out and look around.

Alex was hanging out with his friends in the town as well.

Leah and Lara were both exploring the forest nearby like always.

With Alex

"You guys want to go to that cafe across the street from Pokèmart?" Alex asked his friends.

(His friends are: Todd Snap, Vincent, and Jimmy from Johto not Kalos and all of his older brother's friends as they hang out together sometimes)

"Yeah!" They all responded in unison.

"Yo' Alex, maybe my cousin will be there. She likes this place, and I know you like her." Vincent teased.

"Mallow?" Jimmy asked.

(Mallow didn't exist in Sun And Moon in this fic.)

"Y-yes." Alex responded while he turned red.

"As in the girl you've had a crush on since Professor Oak's Summer Camp Mallow?" Jimmy asked.

(Yes I know that I used that for Ashley but I don't care)

"Y-yes." Alex replied.

"Mallow is so cu-" Jimmy started, but he was cut off by Vincent.

"I'm gonna stop you right there buddy. Only Alex gets my cousin, so back off, Shitass." Vincent said angrily.

"Yes sir." Jimmy said defeated.

"I don't think she likes me anyway, so it doesn't really matter." Alex said.

"Hey man, you never know! She may like you back!" Vincent assured Alex.

"You have always had a way with the ladies." Jimmy pointed out.

"C-Can w-we j-just g-go?" Alex pleaded.

"Yeah guys, let's go. And Alex, I'm positive she likes you. Everytime you talk to her she blushes. She never does that with other guys." Vincent said.

"I'm still not so sure..." Alex said nervously.

"I'll go with you. Just be cool." Vincent Instructed.

They arrived at the cafe and whadda' you know, Mallow's there!

"Ready?" Vincent said.

"I guess..." Alex replied.

"Aright my dude, let's get you that girl." Vincent said.

They walked over to Mallow.

"H-hey M-Mallow." Alex said while blushing.

"H-hey A-A-Alex...." Mallow responded looking very nervous and very red. All of her friends were trying really hard not to laugh. Only a few minutes before they had been teasing about Mallows MASSIVE crush on Alex. They were trying to assure her that he also liked her because he was never nervous in front of other girls.

"Hey cuz, my friend here has a mas-" Vincent was cut off by Alex putting a hand over his mouth and telling him to shut up. His face was extremely red.

"What Vincent meant to say was tha-" Vincent got Alex's hand off his mouth.

"HE'S GOTTA CRUSH ON YOU!" He blurted out.

Vincent ran for his life.

All of Mallow's friends squealed. All of Alex's friends laughed.


They all kept laughing.

Out of nowhere Mallow grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him outside. She pulled him to the nearby park and they stood in a quiet area where no one could see them.

"D-D-D-D-Do Y-you l-like m-me?" She asked stuttering and blushing.

"Y-Y-Yes..." He replied.

"W-Why?" She asked.

"E-Everything about y-you really...." He admitted

"R-R-Really?" She asked.

"Y-Yes." He replied.

Mallow cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. She was a few inches shorter so he had to bend down a little.

They were both blushing so hard.

"O-Ok" Alex said randomly.

They then heard the noise of clapping. It was the two groups of friends.

Mallow was REALLY embarrassed to say the least. She just stood there. Her face bright red.

Alex was embarrassed too. A small price to pay for the joy he was going to receive.

Now the fun begins.

Meant To Be!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن