Chapter Six: Family Reunion: Part One

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Our favorite family is going to professor Oak's lab for a family reunion. Why professor Oak's lab you may ask? That is because the Oak's are considered to be family with the Ketchum's. They will be, once Ashley and Leaf get married. The Oak family has been very close to the Ketchum family for generations. No one knows why, but they just are.

"Honey, are you ready yet?" Serena asked knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah. Just a second." Ash replied, finishing what he was doing and opening the door.

"We have about ten minutes until it starts. You get the boys and I'll get the girls." Serena asked.

"You got it babe." Ash said pecking her lips.

As he walked away, Serena blushed. She loved it when he'd do that.

Serena went to Leah's room first, as she usually took the longest to get ready for stuff.

"Sweetie are you ready? We have to go."

"Uh huh!" Leah shouted, as the door was still closed.

"Ok, good!"

Serena walked to the next door over.

"Lara-" Serena started.

"Yep, I'm ready!" She said, opening the door.

"Alright, go downstairs and wait with your father."

Leah walked out of her room and joined her twin sister as she walked downstairs. Serena went with them as Selene was already ready.

Now, we join Ash checking on the boys. He approached Ashley's door first.

"Hey Ash'?"

No response.


No response.

Ash sighed. He opened the door, and it was the exact sight he expected. Ashley was still asleep.

"Damnit kid..." Ash said to himself.

He approached his son's bed, and began shaking him.

"Wake up!"

"Huh...? What's going on...?" Ashley asked.

"The family reunion is starting in like eight minutes hurry up!" Ash instructed.

Ash left and saw Alex standing right outside of his room.

"Thank Arceus you're up. Mister lazy in there was still asleep." Ash said as he walked downstairs.

A few minutes later, they were all in the car driving there. They were going to walk, but they were running very late.

They got there, and Ash and Serena saw their parents.

"Hey mom, hey dad!" They both said as they hugged them.

Serena also gave her parents in law a hug, as did Ash to his. The kids also gave their grandparents a hug.

They all sat down on the couch.

"Well, you finally made it!" Ash's dad said.

"Yeah, we kinda lost track of time..." Ash said.

"And somebody didn't get up on time." Serena said turning to look at their eldest son.

"Hehe..." Ashley sweatdropped, "Well I'm going to go talk to Leaf. See ya!"

"Hold on!" Ash said.

"Why?" Ashley asked his father.

"Because we still need to wait for your great grandparents. Wow that's weird saying that. It makes them seem way older than they actually are." Ash said.

Ash's dad sighed. "Makes me sound way older than I actually am."

Delia now spoke, "It feels like it was only yesterday that you two were 17, sitting on the couch at our house, telling us you were engaged."

"I can still see that look on your face from when they told you." James said to his wife.

"Hey, I was just really surprised..." Grace explained, embarrassed.

"It feels like it was only yesterday that I was staying at your guys' house." Serena admitted.

"Feels like yesterday that you slapped me when you were packing up to leave." Ash joked.

"What!? What did he do!? I've never heard this!?" Their parents said, in a jumbled type of unison.

"He was trying to comfort me by telling me to think of it as 'Before we met again.'" She explained. "So I slapped him."

"Well you did the right thing. I wasn't thinking right." Ash told her, giving her a kiss.

They looked each other in the eyes for a good few seconds. They didn't notice, as they were so invested in each other, but an older lady leaned over the side of the couch put her head by theirs.

"Does grandma get a kiss too?"

Ash and Serena were startled, but then Ash said, "Hey grandma! Where's grandpa?"

"He is getting a drink. We just got off the plane and hurried here."

"Seventy three years old and you guys are still traveling as much as a ten year old on his first journey." Ashton said.

"We like to stay active. We spent nearly our whole lives just living in Pallet Town, especially after your dad won the first Kanto League."

"What about the Kanto League?" Red asked as he approached the group.

"Oh nothing." Yellow said. "Just talking about our travels that's all."

"Oh, anyway, how are you all doing?" Red asked.

"Pretty great." Ash said standing up to give them a hug. The rest of the group did as well.

They continued talking until the final people showed up. Ash was really excited to meet some relatives he had never met before. And there was a lot of them there. So many that they were outside as well. However, he was sure many of them were his soon to be relatives, the Oaks.

That's part one! My fingers are dying as I haven't wrote anything or anything this long in a while.

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