Chapter Five: Bad Day

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Sunday started out with a calm and easy morning, but as the day went on, Ash and Serena got a feeling that something wasn't going to go right today. And they would be correct.

Serena went to check on Alex as he hadn't gotten out of bed yet. It was 11:33, and he was normally out of bed by 8. She opened the door to see him laying there, reading a book.

"What'cha doing? You're normally up early." Serena asked her son.

"I don't feel very well, as you can hear. I'm burning up and I just want to die." He explained.

Serena sighed. She was right. Something was off.

"What?" Alex asked, hearing his mother's sigh.

"I knew something was wrong." Serena replied.

"Hey, do you know where Ashley is? At like 7-ish I went to go ask him what to do for this cold, and also about a video game." Alex asked.

"No, your dad said he hasn't seen him since yesterday."

"Huh." Alex said.

As Serena was about to exit the room, she turned to Alex and said, "Don't hesitate to wake me or your dad up, especially if you're sick. It won't bother us if you need help. Ask your dad about me and colds. If I do help you, however, it won't involve me wearing your clothes." She said giggling to herself.

She made her way to Ashley's room. He wasn't there. She then walked to her daughters' rooms. They didn't know anything about him being gone. But they did tell Serena that they had horrible headaches.

As she walked downstairs to where Ash was sitting on the couch, she thought to herself, "Where is that kid?"

She sat down next to her husband.

"Do you know where Ashley is?"

Ash looked puzzled. "You haven't seen him either?"


"Well, let's call hi-" Before Ash could finish, he was interrupted by the house phone ringing.

Ash picked it up.

"Hello?......Yeah........Woah.......My Arceus......yeah......ok, have him ready....on our way." He hung up.

"What was that about?" Serena asked.

"He's at the police station."

"For what?"

"They say he stole something. Which I already know he didn't do. He could buy most of the stores here. We just have to go get him." Ash explained.

They got in the car and drove to the police station. They walked inside and talked with the receptionist. She took them to someone's office.

"Hello. I assume you are the Ketchum's." The lady inside said.


"We'll your son apparently stole something from a store. Which personally, I think that's impossible considering his financial situation. They have him on 500$ bail." The lady said.

They paid her, signed some paperwork, and were taken back to the lobby.

Ashley was brought out.

Ash and Serena walked over and hugged their son.

"Damn you smell, kid..." Ash pointed out.

Ashley laughed, "At least now I can go home and take a shower."

They got in the car and went home. Ashley's court day was December fifth. It was a long, bad day.

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