Chapter 25 ~Final Chapter~

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The back of (Y/N)'s neck burnt like hell. She was holding her hair up, gritting her teeth as the searing hot pain that carved itself into her body. Toby was next to her, holding her hand and helping keep her hair out of the way while Slender did his work. It felt like forever, but finally the pain faded, and a cool gauze was wrapped around the girl's neck.

As soon as Slenderman stepped away, (Y/N) let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping. Toby rubbed her back gently, lowering her hair back against her now bandaged neck. It was throbbing and already itchy, as the wound had started healing almost instantly.

"There. You are now my Proxy." Slenderman said, using a small rag to clean the tendril he used to carve into the girl's neck, "It will only take a few days to heal, you may experience some side effects such as nausea, irritation, dizziness and sometimes even bursts of staticky vision and hearing. This is all normal, and will calm down as soon as your body heals."

"Th...Thank you..." The girl said slowly, holding her stomach. The tall figure gave a nod,

"It seems things are already in full swing. Go rest for the day, Toby will take you to your room."

"R...Room...?" (Y/N) lifted her head, tilting it, "I... Have a room?"

"Yes. And usually the rooms spawn at the end of the halls, however I specifically made sure your room was next to Tobias', to make... Everything easier." Slenderman sat back behind his desk, "Now please go. The sooner you rest and heal, the sooner I'll have you sent out to work."

The two nodded and left the office, (Y/N) leaning against Toby as the walls started to spin. The male chuckled and held her up, moving her (h/c) hair from her face,

"G-G-Good thing my r-room is sssso c-close." He said, "T-T-To the office a-aaand your r-r-oom."

"Mhm..." The girl said with a small smile, "It was very nice... Of Slenderman to do that..."

Toby agreed, before he started leading the girl towards the staircase. She climbed the stairs slowly, every step feeling like she might pass our or vomit. It was a strange, surreal feeling, like everything was a dream. To think she was actually here right now, a Proxy to Slenderman, after everything she had gone through.

They were nearing the top of the staircase when Toby lifted his head, footsteps coming from down the hall, and a very tall shadow stretched out on the wall in front of them. (Y/N) lifted her head as well, and her eyes widened as the lanky monochrome clown stepped into view. He was at least 8 feet tall, his shoulders hunched slightly as he walked down the hallway. He had his head turned the other way, black hair hanging and hiding any of his facial features, yet he spoke to someone next to him.

A soft giggle came from the other side of the clown as he walked, and (Y/N) saw a glimpse of a person walking next to the clown. She couldn't see anything else, as the clown stood in the way, but she could hear a feminine voice as the two disappeared down the hallway. The girl couldn't help but watch them, trying to see who the other person could be.

"L-L-Laughing Jack..." Toby said, "He's... I-I-Interesting... Just... S-Stayyyy away from him."

(Y/N) faced Toby, tilting her head at him, "Why? Is he dangerous?"

"B-Basically everyyyyone here is."


Toby nodded and they continued up the stairs, stepping into the hall. (Y/N) was already starting to feel better once they reached the hallway, and she glanced behind her, but the clown and mysterious person had disappeared. She huffed, before shrugging it off and glancing at Toby again,

"Where's this room of mine?"

The boy chuckled, "F-Follow meee."

He held his arm out, and the girl gave a smile, taking it and following as Toby lead her down the corridor. He mentioned something about stopping at his room to grab Harry and (Y/N) agreed, happy to see her beautiful puppy once again. After a little bit of walking and passing a few doors, all of which looked different and had their own unique personalities, they came to a stop outside of Toby's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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