Chapter 22

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A few weeks passed while (Y/N) recovered, and in that time, she was able to go over everything Toby had told her. Slenderman had chased the two from her home, into the city. Toby had fought him off, but (Y/N) had been hit by a car. She hardly remembered any of it, the chasing felt more like a strange dream she might have had years ago.

And to think she had been hit by a car. The girl could hardly believe it, but the aching pain she was in confirmed that it was true. Well, that, the lack of memory of the events, and the fact that she was in Slender's mansion.

Toby had told her that he managed to convince his boss to spare her, but the price of that was a hefty one. In keeping (Y/N) alive, she will now have to prove her worth to Slenderman, give him a good reason as to why he shouldn't kill her. But that meant becoming one of his Proxies. Toby had told her he didn't want to do it, but it was the only way to keep her alive. Slenderman wasn't one for sparing many humans. And by the sounds of it, her twitchy friend had done well to sell (Y/N) to his boss. Slenderman believed she would be fully loyal to him; Toby had promised it.

Which is fair. Considering all the research the girl had done on the urban legend, she wasn't surprise by the circumstances. All she had to do now, was complete whatever task Slender gave her, if she fails to prove herself, if she give Slenderman even the slightest of doubt to her loyalty... She'll die.

And it was strange; to think she was here now. After all the events that had taken place, was she really going to pledge her loyalty to Slenderman? All she wanted was to prove his existence, and now she's trying out to become his Proxy.

The door to the storage room opened, and she lifted her head. Toby had to leave a few hours ago to complete some work for his boss, and she was hoping he was back to keep her company. She wanted to talk to him, to prepare herself as much as she could. He said he would be there for, he'll support her and help as much as he could. Toby was all she could lean on right now.

Sadly, her doctor walked in, closing the door behind him. Doctor Smiley, one of the residences at Slender's mansion, was looking after her to make sure she recovered well. His orange hair hung over his eyes, making the dark brown seem darker, almost black. The girl let out a disappointed sigh, having to prepare for another check up and rapid-fire questions.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, not looking at her as he walked over. He had a sheet in his hand, reading over any notes he had taken of her since her arrival.

"Sore." She said, crossing her arms.

"As to be expected with broken ribs." He said, taking the seat next to her bed, "And your leg, how is it?"

"Itchy." She said, staring at the cast that was hugging her injured leg.

He nodded, reaching under the bed and handing her a long thing wooden stick. The girl smiled and took it. Dr. Smiley then raised his eyes to the girl's face, reaching over to lift the gauze from her head. He didn't ask any questions on the gash that ran from her temple to the middle of her forehead, instead just examined it, taking notes of what he saw.

For once, the check-up was over quickly. Dr. Smiley got to his feet, walking over to a shelf covered in orange tubes, pills of all kinds sat in amongst the murky jars of body parts; something (Y/N) had slowly grown used to being surrounded by.

"Seems like you're recovering quickly." The doctor said, grabbing a tube and walking over, "I think you'll be better in a few more weeks."

(Y/N) nodded. She was happy to hear that, the pain was driving her crazy and she just wanted to be back to normal. But she was also terrified of that information. Since she was injured, Slender had agreed to let her fully heal before testing her. So as soon as she's let go, she'll immediately be put to the test.

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