Chapter 18

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This one's a shorty! For good reasons :3 or... Not so good... Enjoy!

Toby and (Y/N) returned to the girl's bedroom, the male now wearing a white t-shirt tipped with a dark blue lining and blue jeans, his mask hung around his neck, showing his wounded cheek. He was comfortable now with showing the girl; her reaction, her acceptance, it filled him with a strange sort of joy, one he couldn't put a finger on, or understand.

In fact, everything that had happened in that bathroom was hard to understand. The twitching man had been so open with her, he'd trusted her to see his face, to tell her things. They had spoken for a long while as (Y/N) had helped wash his hair and his back, spoken of all different sorts of things. It was the first time in ages that Toby had had a chat like that.

And now, the two had returned to her room, (Y/N) helping Toby lay down since his ankle still wasn't entirely better. He smiled and thanked her, and the girl nodded, before saying she was going to get some ice for him to put on his ankle, saying she hoped it would quicken the healing process so he could get back to work.

Toby nodded slowly, scratching at his scabbing wound, watching her leave the room. He let out a sigh, covering his eyes with his arm. Trying to quicken the healing... If only she knew what she was setting herself up for.

The boy had never trusted someone this much, not since his sister. After he lost her... He found it hard to trust anyone, anything. And now, here he was, letting his walls down for the girl who had chased him down, had done her research on his boss, his life, and he started to wonder if this was a good or bad thing.

Especially considering the inevitable fact that he's going to have to kill (Y/N), that Slender will force his hand if he had to, if he didn't want to. She would have no escape; it would be helpless.

Though he still wondered why his boss wanted her dead. She was clearly trustworthy, not just to Toby, but to Slenderman himself; she's already said she wouldn't tell the world about them, what more could he want from her?

The girl came back, putting the ice on Toby's ankle. He nodded and thanked her, watching her stretch and yawn. (Y/N) smiled and waved her hand with a 'no problem' vibe, before taking her place on the floor. It must be time to sleep. Toby let out a sigh, knowing it was probably going to be another strange night of broken sleep and crazy dreams.

He glanced over at the girl, watching her pull her make-shift blanket over herself, before she rolled over. Her eyes met his and she gave a sheepish smile, her face darkening slightly in the already unlit room. Toby tilted his head, before laying his head back on the pillow and staring at the ceiling.

His mind still reeled on the reasons for his boss wanted him to kill the girl who helped him. At first it made sense, she was a liability, but that had clearly changed. He couldn't think of any other reasons for Slenderman to want him to kill her. Unless...

Was it because he cared for her? Because Toby would do anything to protect the girl sleeping on the floor? He looked at her again, the girl already asleep. He couldn't help but give a lopsided smile, before letting out a sigh and turning his gaze to the window.

That had to be it, that had to be the reason.

Slenderman had to have known from the beginning, and if Toby thought about it, he could see it too. From the moment he saw her, he had thought her beautiful. His boss had known since then, and he had done nothing to fight Toby's feelings.

Well... He had tried to bring him home multiple times, and the boy would refuse every time, taking that little bit longer, eventually murdering her father...

And then the boy came to another realisation.

There was no way he'd be able to kill her. There was no way he could prove to Slender that he was 100% loyal and there was no way he could prove that he wouldn't protect this girl from Slender himself. There was no way in hell he'd be able to pull through with his task, and it made him feel sick just to think about.

No, stop it. Toby growled to himself, shaking his head. He couldn't think like that, not when Slender could be listening to his thoughts at any given moment. He couldn't make himself feel sick, it could get in the way of sensing his boss. The boy honestly hoped his boss was sleeping instead, but once he calmed his nerves, the intense feeling of nausea and dizziness took over his body.

Toby let out a groan, holding his head as he rolled onto his side; his body started shaking and ticking, he couldn't stay still, and he couldn't move. His chocolate brown eyes were wide in fear as reality struck him.

Slenderman knew. He had been listening. He was on his way.

Oh shit.

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