Chapter 10

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Toby was watching as (Y/N) walked around the graveyard; seeing the girl mindlessly glance at all the tombstones and wondering what she could be in such deep thought about. Unaware that she was in fact extremely focused.

He had been watching her since the death of her father, being able to convince Slenderman that it was necessary. The guy had to admit, he leant heavily on the fact that she could continue researching on her phone, and that her father's death has made her more suspicious. After hearing the girl talking to Harry about the evidence she had come across, well, Slender was convinced.

And Toby was glad it was that easy. Because deep down he just wanted to make sure (Y/N) was alright after what happened. He wanted to make sure she wasn't scarred by what she would have seen. And he was sure Slender knew this as well; his boss has been very persistent in his mind recently; not that he knew why or dared ask. Toby was sure his boss had his reasons.

Though his boss was also insistent on getting this mission out of the way. Slenderman would request Toby to come home quicker than usual, he seemed to be rushing Toby's tasks of checking in on (Y/N). It seemed as if it were almost an annoyance to the mythical legend; and the boy knew that if there was no risk of being outed, Slender would stop these missions indefinitely. And the Proxy didn't want that to be the case, as much as it confused him. He enjoyed his time checking on (Y/N), it just... Filled him with an emotion he doesn't remember having.

Sometimes he would even disobey Slender just to stay a little longer and watch the girl work or play with her dog. His boss seemed to hate it, he would always try to control Toby, make him feel sick or dizzy, weak even just to try and bring him home. Toby wasn't sure why Slenderman seemed so agitated by his visits to the girl, all he wanted to do was check on her. The boy felt like their lives were awfully familiar.

But back to (Y/N). So far, she seemed to be alright, in fact she was grateful for what had happened, and Toby couldn't deny it had boosted his ego just a little. His boss had to remind him it meant nothing to them, her father was just another every day kill, and Toby would agree, but he didn't let it go. Seeing the girl's smile made him feel like the best person in the world for what he did.

However, he wasn't liking how her mother was starting to treat her. Though he ruled it out as just grief; she'll come back around and be kind to (Y/N) once again. Slenderman was positive that was the case.

Toby, being deep in his thoughts, was unaware of the girl getting closer to the border of the forest. He was leaning against the tree as he stared at her, the realisation not clicking just yet. He even started to feel dizzy; Slenderman's warning to snap out of his trance.

The man blinked, shaking his head as he came back to reality. The world spun slightly, his boss' handywork, and then his gaze met hers. Toby froze, the scenario finally snapping in his mind as the girl started running towards him.

Oh shit.

Toby took off in the opposite direction, ducking and dodging trees in the hopes to lose her. He couldn't let her catch him, if she did Slenderman would have her killed for sure. They were in the forest after all, and if she found out Toby's identity it would be over, she'd have confirmed knowledge that Slenderman and his Proxies existed.

"Wait!" (Y/N) called out as she chased him into the forest, Toby ignored her; hoping she would give up the chase. He didn't want her to meet the same fate her father had.

Toby glanced behind him to see the girl was still, in fact, chasing him. Better yet, she was gaining on him, he wouldn't have thought of her to be athletic at all, she hardly left her room, how in the ever-loving fuck was she catching up?

-Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit- Toby thought as he ran.

He tripped.


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