Lafayette's birthday!

Start from the beginning

"Anything for my favorite Frenchman." Alexander laughed.

"Name me one other Frenchman you know and I will take that as a compliment." Laf teased.

"Take it or leave it."

"I'll take it anyway. Are we ready?" Laf asked.

"Sure. You ready Eliza?" Alexander asked.

"Yeah, let's go." She smiled.

They all walked down to the parking lot.

"Shotgun!" Alexander yelled.

"Nice try. My birthday, I get shotgun." Lafayette stated.

"But it's my wife's car." Alexander pouted.

"Let him have shotgun, Alex." Eliza sighed. "You guys are five."

"Was there an insult in there?" Alexander laughed.

Eliza rolled her eyes and started the car. She drove over to the restaurant and parked.

"Nice place." Laf smiled. "You guys have this planned out for awhile?"

"Sure." Alexander nodded.

They went inside and got a table.

"What do you suggest?" Laf asked.

"The bread rolls." Eliza smirked while still looking down at her menu.

"Tell my wife she can't make a meal on bread rolls." Alexander sighed.

"This coming from the guy who once ate a whole box of Graham crackers and called it breakfast." Lafayette joked.

"That's fair." Alexander admitted.

"But more seriously, you should try the steak." Eliza suggested.

"Ok." Lafayette nodded.

The waiter came over a few minutes later and took their orders. Laf went first, then Alexander, and finally it was Eliza's turn.
(This is a real story. This happened to me when I went to a Texas Steakhouse.)

"I'll take the sirloin steak with a side salad. Medium rare." She said.

"Medium rare?" The man asked. "That's when the meat is all pink inside."

"Uh, yeah." Eliza said again.

"Ok, we just don't usually have a lot of young women that like it medium rare." The man said. "Well, I'll get that right out for you." He said before walking away.

"Ok Eliza. Medium rare is when the meat is cooked, but still red and chewy." Alexander explained like he was talking to a five year old.

"Seriously though. Do people think that women can't eat rare meat? Or that they don't know what that is? Because he made it sound like I was the idiot." Eliza questioned.

"He probably is surrounded by obnoxious people who think that medium well steak is more popular for women." Lafayette suggested.

"I don't know. It was kinda weird though."

"Don't let it bother you. We're here to have fun, so let's just brush it off." Alexander said.

"Ok." Eliza nodded.

"So, have anything else planned after this?" Laf smirked.

"Not really. I mean, we're gonna have cake after dinner, but I don't think that's a big deal." Alexander sort of ignored him.

"Oh." Lafayette was a little upset.

"Did you want to do something else? We can always to something tomorrow." Eliza suggested.

"I guess." Laf replied. "These bread rolls are actually really good."

"Ha! Told ya." Eliza shoved Alex.

"Who's five now?" He laughed.

"Still you."

"You're probably right though."

After they finished eating, Alexander got a call that everything was ready for the party.

"You ready to go?" Alexander asked.

"Where?" Laf questioned.

"We were just going to go back to the house." Alexander explained. "You know, just to relax and chill."

"Well, I was actually gonna go back to the dorm and get started on some projects." Lafayette said.

"Oh, well why don't you just swing by?" Alexander suggested. "Laurens is there and I'm sure everyone will want to see you."

"Alright. I guess we could swing by." Lafayette caved in.

"Good." Eliza and Alexander both sighed in relief. They hopped back in Eliza's car and drove to the Washington house.

"They're here!" Laurens yelled. He was the lookout.

Everyone hid as the three walked into the house.


Lafayette almost fell down. Not because he was upset, but because he was shocked.

"You ok man?" Laurens laughed.

"Je vais bien, chut enfant." Laf frenched.

"Is that a yes?"

"He's ok." Alexander translated.

"Happy birthday!" Washington said.

Laf was then greeted by all of his friends before making his way to lovely wife.

"You did all this?"

"Well, I know you said you didn't want to have a party, but I've never been able to celebrate your birthday with you. So I'm afraid this was a must." Adrianne joked.

"I suppose it was. But I'm glad you did it." He leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"I love you." She smiled. "Oh, and John said he wanted to beat you at Mario Kart or something like that."

"I smell a challenge." Laf grinned.

"I smell a victory." Laurens came out of no where.

"As soon as the party is over, I will show you how bad you truly are." Lafayette threatened.

"You have never beaten me. Except for Rainbow Road. And that's only because you can't use a mushroom without falling off a cliff." Laurens stated.

"Fine, then you pick the race, and we shall finish this challenge tonight!" Laf exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go celebrate you."

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