Ch. 14- Jealousy

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(Y/n) POV

This morning Charlie asked, more like suggested for, me to help clean up after the party last night. Seeing as it would put a smile on her face I figured why not.

I climb the ladder and grab the streamers from the ceiling. I stuff them in the trash bag I have and continue on.

"Need some help?" A voice asks.

I peak over my shoulder to see Jack looking up at me. "No I'm f~fine." The ladder wobbles a bit and almost falls but Jack grabs the legs and steadies it.

"You sure?"

I sigh and shake my head. "Thanks." I carefully step down the ladder. "I guess if you want to help I wouldn't mind."

"Great!" Jack picks up a different trash bag and begins picking up the discarded trash on the floor.

I make my way over to the bar and start setting that right and cleaning the many cups.

While we're working me and Jack start talking and soon I learn that we have many things in common. I find it surprisingly easy to talk to him.

"Hey if you don't mind me asking, when did you die?" He asks.

"Oh around 1930." I say while wiping down the counter.

"So you and that Alastor fellow lived around the same time?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Did you know him when you were alive?"

I pause to think, "I don't think so. I'd recognize him if I did I think."

Jack nods and continues sweeping the floor. There's a comfortable silence for a few seconds before we fall into comfortable chatting again. By the time we finish cleaning I feel like I've known Jack all my life with everything I know about him.

I'm laughing at a joke he said when we walk out together. My laughter dies down a bit and suddenly I notice Alastor watching us. I smile and wave at him.

He comes over and gives my hand a kiss while slightly glaring at Jack. I roll my eyes, I can practically see the jealousy coming from him.

Jack, sensing the tenser atmosphere, says goodbye and retreats to his room. I look at Al and raise my eyebrow.


"Yes darling?"

"Where you jealous?" I smirk and place my hand on his arm.

"Me? Jealous? What an absurd assumption, my dear."

"What ever you say, darling~"

Al's face turns a little red when I call him darling before he covers it up with a wide grin. He holds out his arm for me.

I take his arm, "where we off to Al?"

"Wherever our feet take us." He says and leads me out of the hotel.

-time skip-

After a few hours of walking around enjoying the views of Hell we end our walk in front of Mimzy's club.

Mimzy greets us at the entrance, or we'll Alastor. She more or less ignores my presence completely. I roll my eyes as she tries to flirt with Al. Seriously does this girl not see that we're together.

We sit down at a corner booth. Unfortunately Mimzy follows us, or more Al. I sit and Alastor sits across from me, Mimzy slides into the booth on Al's side. I roll my eyes.

Why in Hell did she have to be here?

"Aren't you supposed to get us something to drink?" I ask annoyedly. "Like a good little waitress."

"I'm a performer, NOT a waitress. I don't have to do anything for a whore like you." Mimzy responds.

I flatten my ears and growl. "I'm going to get a drink." I stand and make my way to the bar. The demons part for me, not wanting to get in my way. I get to the bar and snap my fingers, instantly a bottle of whiskey appears in my hand. I turn to make my way back to the table.

My eye twitches when I see that Mimzy is practically in Al's lap. My grip on the bottle tightens, it's a surprise that the bottle hasn't shattered yet. I slam the bottle down on the table, making them both jump from surprise.

I sit down at my seat, trying not to let Mimzy get under my skin. Oh how I want to kick her ass all the way to Imp City. If it wasn't for my promise to Charlie that I'd do my best to get redeemed I would have do so.

Then Mimzy does something I never thought she would try. She pulls Al close and kisses him right there in front of me. My eyes widen and the atmosphere grows dark. The club has gotten quiet, all eyes at our table.

When Mimzy pulls back she gives me an evil smirk. "What's the prob, dog?" She sasses.

The fucking audacity!

Screw redemption! This bitch needs to be taught a lesson.

The bottle finally shatters in my hand. The club is eerily silent. I bar my teeth and growl.

In a flash I jump over the table and bitch slap the living shit out of that whore. This causes her to fall out of the booth. Demons scatter as I shift into my wolf form and circle her. Alastor, of course, just sits in the booth watching everything go down.

I can imagine how entertaining this is for him.

"You're done, bitch!" I growl and pounce. I pin her arms and bite into her shoulder. Mimzy screams in pain. Somehow she manages to push me off herself. I snap and growl, her blood coating my mouth.

"You mutt!" She shouts.

I jump at her, there's a sharp pain in my abdomen and I'm thrown into a table. I look down to see a knife in my stomach. I spit up some blood and stand, shifting back into my demon form, after I pull out the knife.

I aim and throw the knife. It catches Mimzy's dress and pins her to the wall. I snap my fingers and my shadow appears next to me, (f/c) tentacles wrap around Mimzy's body. Finally she looks scared. I stalk up to her and wrap my clawed fingers around her neck.

"This is your only warning, slut." I growl. "Keep your filthy hands off my Al." I let go of her and snap causing the tentacles and knife to disappear. She falls to the floor. I kneel down and whisper in her ear, "And next time I suggest not pissing off an overlord." With that I stand and turn towards Al.

"Beautifully executed my dear." He says linking his arm with mine. Together we leave the club and head to the hotel.

As my anger fades I think about what I did. Shit Charlie isn't going to be happy.

I look down at my ruined, blood stained clothes.

Let's hope Charlie doesn't notice before I change.

Date- 12-16-2020
Words- 1144

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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