Ch. 22- Home

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I stagger on, blood soaking my shirt and gushing down my leg

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I stagger on, blood soaking my shirt and gushing down my leg. I leave a dizzying trail of blood as I limp towards the hotel. Just get to the hotel, they can help me.

I trip and fall to the ground. My head is spinning and my vision darkens yet I push myself to my feet.

I can feel my powers slowly returning but if I don't get help soon it won't matter. My legs give out again but I can't get up.

My vision darkens until all I see is nothing.

Third POV

The shadow moves about the hotel. Without its master it's nothing but a shade, an outline of what it once was.

It watches its master's friends go about life in the hotel, but something, or someone is missing.

Slowly the shadow is fading away, the magic that once bound it washing away.

The shadow is sitting in its master's room when it feels a return of power. A string is set in front of the shade leading to the source. Gliding along unnoticed the shadows follows the pull of the string through the streets of Hell.

At the end of the string a figure lay dying in a puddle of blood. Kneeling next to the fallen figure the shadow realizes that it's master doesn't have long.

The shadow teleports to the hotel and rushes up to the first demon it finds, Angel Dust.

Angel, you must come quick!

Angel jumps at the sudden appearance of the shadow. "Why?"

Y/n needs help

She's dying

That seems to snap Angel to attention. The shadow rushes out of the hotel with Angel hot on its heels.

When they get to where y/n fell, Angel rushes over and kneels down by her. "Y/n?" He flips her over and sees the stab wound in her side. "Fuck, y/n!" He scoops her up in his arms and runs back to the hotel.

He kicks the door in and rushes to lay y/n down on the couch. "Charlie! Alastor!" He shouts.

Charlie runs into the room and Alastor appears shortly after.

"Oh my! What happened to her?" Charlie asks, rushing to the wolf's side.

"I don't know! One moment I'm sitting at the bar the next her shadow shows up and tells me she's dying." Angel explains.

Alastor approaches the sleeping wolf and places a hand on her forehead. He wipes away a smudge of blood.

"Let's clean her up." Charlie says as she gets up and gets some supplies together. She comes back a minute later with a bucket of warm water and a rag. Vaggie carries in a med kit.

Charlie wets the rag and begins cleaning y/n's face and arms. "There's a lot of blood coming from her side. Al could you please lift her shirt?"

Alastor nods and gingerly pinches the bottom of y/n's shirt and carefully pulls it up enough to expose the bleeding stab wound.

"Oh my!" Charlie's eyes widen at the sight of the ugly wound. "Vaggie get some thread and a needle ready." Charlie starts cleaning the wound, careful not to aggravate the injured tissue.

Carefully Charlie stitches closed the wound and Al pulls the shirt back down.

"She'll need to take it easy until those are healed." Charlie says.

"What now?" Angel asks.

"Now we wait for her to wake up and tell us what happened."

-time skip-


The first think I feel is the stinging sensation in my side. The second is the plush pillow beneath my head.

I groan and open my eyes. I'm laying on my bed back at the hotel.

How did I get here? What happened?

You nearly died

I jump at the sound of my shadow speaking, it's a voice I haven't heard in what fells like forever.

"What happened?" My voice sounds scratchy and my throat is sore.

You were unconscious

Bleeding to death

I brought Angel to you

He brought you here

Charlie stitched you up

I nod. "Okay. Where's Al?" I ask.

He's out

Would you like me to get him?

"Please. I need to talk to him." And apologize.

My shadow disappears and shortly reappears with Alastor. My shadow nods in my direction before disappearing once again. I try to sit up but the pain in my side stops me. I groan in pain and Alastor is at my side in an instant.

"Don't try to sit up, you could rip your stitches." Al explains.

I take his hand in mine. "Al, I'm sorry." He looks at me. "I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for not saying goodbye, I'm sorry for everything."

"I am too. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you." His eyes trace the scar above my heart.

"I forgive you Al."

"That's good to hear my dear." He places a kiss on my hand.

With my other hand I skate my fingers over my wound and focus your magic to heal it. The flesh knits together leaving only a scar. This time I'm able to sit up without the pain.

Al smiles softly at me before placing a kiss on my forehead. "As much as I'd love to stay, you need to get some rest."

"Really Al? I'm fine." I push myself off the bed and stand before him. My head immediately gets dizzy and my legs feel weak.

Before I hit the floor Alastor catches me and helps me sit back on the bed. He gives me a pointed look.

"Okay fine maybe I'm not 100% better yet."

"I'll be back with some water." Al says as he leaves the room. When he comes back I've situated myself into a more comfortable position on the bed. I take a sip of the water offered to me and set it on my side table.

"Could go for some whiskey right about now." I hum.

"Darling a hangover would do you no good during your recovery." Al says. "Now get some sleep.

He turns and exits the room and I watch him go with a small smile on my face.

Date- 2-11-2021

Sorry for the extended wait. But I suddenly got inspired to write a shit ton so here ya go!

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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