Ch. 15- Glance into the Past

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I lead Al to my house. I figured I best clean up here before going back to the hotel.

I throw open the doors and Alastor looks around in awe

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I throw open the doors and Alastor looks around in awe. I lead him over to the library/office.

"You can wait here while I go change or you can look around

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"You can wait here while I go change or you can look around. Just don't get lost. It's a lot bigger than it looks."

I turn to head to my room before I remember something. I pull a small (f/c) stone out of my pocket and hand it to him.

"If you do get lost rub the stone three times and my shadow will appear and bring you back to me or where ever you want to go."

"Thank you my dear." He says.

I nod and head out going towards my room.

Alastor POV

I look down at the small rock in my hand and put it in my pocket. I don't know why she thinks I'll need this when I can just teleport myself around.

I snap my fingers and nothing happens.

"What?" I snap again and still nothing happens.

Your magic doesn't work in here

A voice like (y/n)'s yet laced with a whispery shadow sound speaks up from behind me. I spin around to see a shadowy version of (y/n).


Because she made it so

Only her magic works here

Sorry looks like you have to walk around like a normal person

Man this shadow sure has some sass. "I'm assuming you're the one that would show up if I rub the stone she gave me?"


"What are you?"

I am her

And she is me

I am an extension of her mind

Her power embodied

A shadow

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