Ch. 9- Dreams

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(y/n)'s POV

Angel walked with me back to the hotel. We both were slightly drunk, Angel a bit more so as he kept almost falling over.

I tune out Angel's drunk rambling and my mind wanders back to the flashback I had at the bar. It felt like a forgotten memory, a part of my lifetime never to be revisited.

I never did find out why I can't remember much of my past. I just assumed it was normal, but maybe it isn't.

Before I can dive too deep into my thoughts we arrive at the hotel doors. I shoulder open the doors while keeping Angel up right. We make it into the lobby and I can hear Vaggie coming. If she sees us like this she's going to get so mad. And I don't want to deal with that right now.

I shift my hold on Angel and snap my fingers teleporting us out of the lobby to his room. With a final heave I push Angel onto his bed and teleport myself to my room.

I change into some comfortable clothes and flop onto my bed. Thankfully I'm rather quickly lost to the depths of sleep.

I stare at the bright sky, the wind ruffles my hair and clothes. It's a perfect day, the sun warms my cheeks and the dress hangs loosely on my body. I stand alone in a sea of golden wheat.

I look down at my bare feet and dig my toes into the soft dirt.

I feel at peace though I don't recall how I got here or why I'm here.

"(y/n)!" I hear my name being called by a voice but I can't remember why I know the voice.

A younger girl that looks like me comes bounding through the wheat towards me. Her similar colored hair waves wildly in the wind. The only difference between us is her eyes which are a striking blue on one side and a deep chocolate brown on the other.

She dances around me. A green stained white dress hugs her body. Mud is stuck to her knees and leaves are in her hair. A crown made of daisies and wheat sits upon her brow.

She laughs. "Come on (y/n)! Let's go play in the river."

"Ok but we have to be back before supper."

"Yay!" She races off and we run together through the field. Suddenly the field turns to a painfully familiar forest.

The little girl races forward until I can't see her anymore.

My heart beats fast from the panic that's slowly setting in.

"Eris!" I call.


I stop and turn around trying to find which way she went but I'm no longer in the woods. I'm in a small farm house. The paint is peeling off the wall and the floorboards creak under my weight.

I hear a slap followed by a yelp come from a different room.

I make my way over and see an older man standing over the young girl. Tears are in her eyes and her cheek is turning red where she was hit.

My blood boils and I rush in to stand in front of her. I glare at the man with such hatred.

"Worthless." The man growls. "You both are worthless daughters."


He slaps me too and walks away.

My cheek is stinging but I turn around and embrace Eris.

She starts crying and sniffling. I wipe her tears and rock her.

"It's okay. We're going to be just fine." I wipe her tears with my thumb and kiss her forehead.

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