Interview Session with Precious Nkem

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Hi dear, it's very nice to meet you. Please tell us a little about yourself.

I'm a Nigerian writer, lawyer, an all-round food enthusiast and a mother of two dogs and a cat. 

When did you join Wattpad and how was it at first for you?

I joined Wattpad around April 2016. Before then, I was posting my stories in a series format on my blog but had very few frequent readers. My first story here was Wendy. I wasn't really bummed about the initial low reads because I had faced worse numbers in my blog. When the votes and the comments started rolling in, it felt so, so good. It inspired me to keep writing. 

I noticed you write Egyptian books or is it stories from the Bibles? Can you tell us why it interests you enough to write on it? Your profile pic is that of an Egyptian animation even lol.

We have read and watched so many exodus movies/books but a bulk of the attention has been on the fleeing slaves and not the Egyptians. I was like, “Why not write about the Egyptians this time? Throw in their gods too!” So, yeah… that was pretty much it. Gods and Queens was like a movie in my head, I had to write it but it is the only Egyptian themed story I have ever written. The Egyptian chick in my display picture is merely a convenient coincidence. I saw it and liked it; the fact that the character was Egyptian was just an added bonus.

What are the challenges you experience as a writer and how have you overcome them? 

Finding the time to write and coming up with original ways to tell a story. I think those are the toughest things for me to achieve right now. The step I am taking to fix all that up is to explore my story ideas in a physical form and not just in my head. Once I write my ideas down, it helps me have something tangible to use when I finally have the times to write the first draft of my chapters.

How has it been like being an Ambassador?

Being a Wattpad ambassador has helped me learn skills I otherwise may not have learned on my own, and it has also made it possible for me to meet really awesome individuals that have been a great source of encouragement and support. I encourage everyone reading this to apply for the program if you meet the qualifications.  

Tell us your Wattpad worst memory. (Something bad that happened while using Wattpad.)

I guess it would be encountering trolls. I have had the misfortune of crossing some and it is usually an ugly experience. I am always quick to shake it off though.

Rice or beans?


Movies or Books?

Can't it be both? Oh well, I guess book wins by a really tiny margin.

Coke or Fanta?

None. I am not a fan of sodas.

Sleeping or Eating?

Eating today, eating tomorrow, eating forever.

Dancing or Singing?


Texts or Phone calls?

Phone calls.

A word of advice to writers?

Aim for excellence. Think of a book you read that was really REALLY good. Zero errors. Strong verbs. Captivating plot/characters. Did you enjoy reading it? Did the story suck you in? If it did, aim to also write a story that reflects such excellence.

Oya halla Watt's up Naija to your new friends here!

Watt's up Naija! Thanks for having me. 

I really want to start by appreciating our guest for today for finding time to be a part of us and most importantly, for doing most of my work (highlighting and responding to each question accordingly.) God bless you!

I think she raised a valid point. Asides all the bad we have grown to learn about Egyptians, I think there are a lot of good that can be written on. I think it's lovely that she broke free and decided to dwell on their stories.

Do well to check out her profile and books... Keeping representing Nigeria in the best way possible. God bless us all!

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