Story 2: Beauty and the Boar, Part 4: Happily Ever After

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 Byleth eventually found her father unconscious in the snow about halfway back to Remire. She hoisted him onto the horse and covered him with her cloak to give him even some warmth. They arrived back at Remire shortly after and Byleth healed him using simple healing spells that she learned while back at the castle. It wasn't enough to completely heal Jeralt, so she also used a lot of blankets and hot soup to feed him to warm him up. Jeralt slowly became conscious and saw Byleth. He was a little surprised. Was he dreaming? Was the whole ordeal a dream?

"K-kid? Is that you?" Jeralt asked. Byleth smiled.

"Yes father, it's me." Byleth answered.

"Then what about the Beast?"

"He let me go father." Byleth said. Jeralt opened his mouth to rely but Byleth continued. "He and I became friends after he saved me from the wolves. It's fine."

Jeralt slowly sat up and hugged Byleth. "I'm just glad you're safe kid." A loud and sudden knock interrupted the father-daughter reunion. Byleth, followed by a slow Jeralt, checked the door to see who it was. It was an unfamiliar man.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes, we're here to collect Jeralt Eisner." The man said. He gestured to an asylum wagon. Byleth gasped. What happened during the weeks she was gone?

"You won't have him." Byleth said firmly.

Hubert emerged from behind the asylum keeper. "Byleth, I hate to say it, but your father has become crazy, raving about a Beast in a faraway castle."

Byleth scowled. "The Beast is real and I can prove it!" She pulled the mirror the Beast gave her from her satchel she never took off after returning home. "Show me the Beast!" She yelled. The mirror flashed and showed the Beast. He looked sad and he roared with regret. It was the worst timing. Hubert saw the Beast and instantly became irate.

He stole the mirror from Byleth. "So there is a ferocious monster." He growled.

"He's not a monster, he's kind and gentle. If anything, you're the monster." Byleth yelled.

"I've always known the effects of dark magic, but this is a whole new level of sorcery." Hubert turned to the asylum keeper. "Lock both of them up. I'll go rally a brigand and we'll kill the Beast."

The keeper along with his 2 assistances wrangled up Byleth and Jeralt and threw them into the wagon. Jeralt was an easier target because of his weakened state, but Byleth showed no signs of giving in. However, she was ultimately defeated. The pair sat hopelessly in the dark wagon. Byleth was trying to find a way out. "What in the world are you doing?" Jeralt asked.

"I need to warn him." Byleth answered.


"The Beast."

"But why?"

"I told you, we unexpectedly became friends. He even took me to the monastery." Byleth said as she pulled out the ring she found. Jeralt gasped. "I know what happened to my mother."

"I'm sorry I never could bring myself to tell you. It was so mysterious and sudden. I had to take you a flee, that's how suspicious it was." Jeralt said.

"I understand father."

"I've been looking for it for a while now actually and forgot I left it. I planned on giving it to you one day to give to someone you love, like how I loved your mother." Byleth hugged her father. As they parted, Jeralt had an idea. "I may not be a locksmith or thief, but I do know that all locks are just gears. So if we had something long and sharp, we could bust outta here."

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