Story 1) Byleth and the Girls Day

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Part 1: White Clouds, Chapter 6 

Byleth was sitting at her desk in the Blue Lions classroom grading papers from the recent test from the last week. She was alone since her students were at the Dinning Hall for lunch. Byleth has been working non-stop for the past few moons being the new professor at the Officers Academy for the Blue Lion house. It really has taken a toll on her. Having to constantly teach students on not only academic subjects, but also fighting subjects, really messes with your mental health and stability. Byleth also stood up almost all night the previous night working on lesson plans that she scrapped.

Meanwhile, back in the Dinning Hall, the students of the Blue Lion house were all sitting together at the same table. They were patently waiting for the arrival of their professor who usually sits with them. Byleth was close with her students. "Has something become of the Professor?" Ashe asked his fellow classmates. "She's usually here by now."

Sylvain laughed. "She probably got lost while wandering around the Monastery." Sylvain commented. Ingrid mildly punched Sylvain on the arm.

"She probably is just catching up on professor things."

"I just hope she's ok, she really has been overworking herself." Annette said worriedly.

"Don't worry Annie, I'm sure she's fine." Mercedes said to Annette. Felix stayed quiet, he didn't have anything to contribute to the conversation. Dimitri, the house leader and also the prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, quickly got up from where he was sitting.

"Your Highness, where are you going?" Dedue questioned.

"I'm going to check on the professor and ask her if everything's ok." Dimitri answered before quickly leaving the Dinning Hall.

Byleth was going in and out of focus due to sleep deprivation. She could barely focus on her current endeavor. It took her almost 20 minutes to grade Sylvain's test, and not because he put down the stupidly genius answers that took a while for Byleth to process. She put her head on her desk to rest for a moment but was interrupted by someone knocking on the bricks outside the classroom since the door was open. Byleth shot back up. "Who's there, what do you want?" She instinctively said, obviously sounding very tired. She saw Dimitri at the doorway. "Oh, it's you Dimitri." Byleth said. She put her hands under her chin. "What brings you here right now?" She asked her student.

Dimitri walked into the classroom and walked up to the professor's desk. "The rest of the Blue Lions and I have been worried about you. You seem to be overworking yourself." Dimitri said.

Byleth sighed. "Well, it just comes with the job. Like how I was forced to swing a sword and kill people for being a mercenary." Byleth said. She slightly laughed. She's definitely sleep deprived.

Back at the Dinning Hall, the other Blue Lion house students where formulating a plan. Well, more like just the girls. Annette clapped her hands together. "Guys, I have an idea!" She announced.

Dedue looked intrigued. "Do tell." He said. Annette looked so excited she could burst.

"So, my plan is to have Mercie, Ingrid, and I along with the professor to have a girls day this weekend!" Annette announced.

Mercedes was happy. "Oh Annie that's a great idea." Mercedes commented. Ingrid was surprised.

"Ok, I'm in, just let's not do all girly things. Especially activities that involve makeup." Ingrid said.

Sylvain rolled his eyes. "Um, you know Dedue, Felix, Ashe, Dimitri, and I are also apart of this house? We're just as concerned as you guys." Sylvain argued. "Can we just all do something that involves all of us and doesn't involve battle or just girl things."

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