Dimileth week day 3: Fairy AU

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A/N: As promised here is day 3 of Dimileth week featuring the art for day 2! That days theme was "may our hands cling forevermore" so I used that as hand practice. Apologizes in advance for the crappiness of this short story. I wrote this on a crunch AND on slight burnout too. I didn't want to ditch this challenge like I did the past 2 times I tried to do challenges like this. 

A little bit of background: This was originally supposed to be based off of the fairy tale Thumbelina, but I went WAY off that path and made this crap fest. Lord I can't wait til this challenge is over so I can get back to regularly scheduled one shots.


Once upon a time, there was a couple that tried to have a child. The wife prayed multiple times a day to the goddess to have a child with her husband. So the goddess, being the sassy one she is, granted the couple their wish, but with a twist. She blessed one of the flowers in their garden and a tiny human fairy blossomed out of its bud. Despite just being born, she had the appearance of a young adult with green flowing hair and a white flower petal dress. The couple were shocked at first but were welcoming to their new family member. They named their new tiny human Byleth. Jeralt didn't know why to give their new tiny human that name, but Sitiri insisted since it sounded rather nice.

Byleth was so small that her whole bed could be 5 cotton balls glued together with a fabric square for a blanket. Jeralt gave her a sewing needle as a sword to use. Sitiri was a little annoyed at her husband that he gave their fairy child basically a sword, but once she proved capable with it, Sitiri's fears melted away.

One night while Byleth was sleeping in her cotton ball bed, some forest fairy snuck into the house through a hole in a wall. She noticed how beautiful Byleth was and wanted her to marry her hopeless friend.

The pink-haired fairy used magic to make the cotton ball float unnoticed away from its resting place on a desk in Jeralt and Sitiri's room. She guided it outside and out to the forest near by. Byleth was woken up by the crisp wind and was instantly startled by the change of setting.

She thought about escaping, yet she didn't know where she was to get back to her parents. The fairy that took Byleth looked behind her and noticed her captive was awake. "Great, you're awake now." She sighed. "I can't believe Lorenz is putting me through all this work." She mumbled.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion. "Look, my friend wants to find someone for a partner and sent me out to help. Lucky for me I found someone quick."

Wait, she was being forced into marriage? That was so not right. Now Byleth wanted to escape even though she had no clue where she was going. Unfortunately for her, they reached their destination. It was too late now. "Lorenz, I found someone. Now hurry up so I can be on my way" The fairy yelled. Another fairy, this time a male with weird purple hair emerged from the grass that was like a tree compared to his size.

"Thanks Hilda. I will be taking things from here." He said. Hilda then flew away and left Byleth was alone with Lorenz. He tried to make a move but Byleth had lightning fast reflexes and swatted him away.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled, loud enough that if someone was nearby, they could hear her. Fortunately, a passerby was flying near by on a butterfly sized wyvern. He also had a passenger, he most likely ran a shuttle service of sorts.

The fairy on the wyvern took notice. "Hey Lorenz, what did we say about taking girls like that? Not cool." He shouted. Lorenz growled under his breath.

"Claude this is none of your business." He retorted.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look if someone is in distress, it's best to assist them." Claude said as he flew down. "Here, I'll take you to wherever you need to go." He offered to Byleth.

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