Dimileth Week 2021 4/4

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Prompt: FEH (Fire Emblem Heroes) Alt 

Summary: Dimitri: King of Faerghus has been summoned to Askr. However, something is missing: his wife. As Dimitri finds a way either back home or to somehow summon his Byleth to be with him, he takes notice of some past versions of himself and how much he has grown.

Some quick background for those who don't play Heroes. In this story, the Dimitri that will be the focus of this one is Brave Dimitri. It's basically him at the epilogue in his Great Lord attire. While we don't have Enlightened F!Byleth in the game yet, this is what I would imagine what would happen once it does happen. I also just gave her title from azure moon as her title in the game just for simplicity. This is more Dimitri centered that the others. Enough of my rambling, let's get to the story! 

Update 12/29: With L!F!Byleth a thing now in FEH, title was changed from Guardian of Order to The Fódlan Light. 


Askr was a totally different place that Faerghus. For starters, it wasn't on a scale of cold, to slightly less cold, to nice feeling, to cold again. It actually had distinguishable seasons. There were also loads more people at the castle alone. It wasn't just staff members or extended family, it was heroes.

Every single person other than a small handful was from another world, summoned here by a hooded summoner named Kiran. No one knew who exactly they were or are from, but the stories they tell of their own world seem outlandish. Tall buildings? Horseless vehicles? A piece of glass that can show different pictures at a single tap? It's all so crazy to everyone.

However, as much as the Askr royal family tried to make every hero feel at home, King Dimitri still never felt like he was back home. He was missing something, or rather, someone. His other half. His beloved.

Getting summoned here was a complete shock. One moment he was in his study with his wife Byleth, the next he was at the gates of Askr. Byleth must be worried sick about him. Or worse, completely given up on him and moved on.

No, Byleth is too strong for that. She knows better. Maybe she herself could find a way to be here with him.

But days have passed and no results. Dimitri spent a couple days wandering around and getting acquainted with various heroes. One seemed similar to his wife since they both had mercenary backgrounds, only that he had a long sword and was incredibly buff. Another was super smart and could easily turn the tides of battle without loosing anyone. And the amount of little girls that could turn into dragons, that was something.

Dimitri even found other versions of himself and friends. He saw himself from his academy days along with Annette, Mercedes, Ingrid, and Dedue. (Who of course offered to still be his vassal despite already serving his younger self.) Another version of himself was from right after winning the war. He still sounded a little depressed. Maybe he wasn't over having to kill Edelgard. Or maybe he was summoned right before he could proposed to his version of Byleth. Or whichever friend that version of himself would've chosen to be his beloved. Dimitri wouldn't understand why this other version of himself wouldn't want to be with her if that was the case. Askr really did bring many questions of about other realms to light.

The last version of himself he saw was the one that stood out the most, but also it was the version that reminded him of his faults and shortcomings. This version has been dubbed "a fallen hero", which is usually a term used by those around Askr to call a hero that has fallen into the darkness. That description was pretty spot on for this Dimitri. It was a Dimitri summoned from when he lost his way to the darkness of his madness.

Dimitri couldn't believe it. Sure there were some morally questionable "heroes" here, but never in a million years would he have guessed that he would be considered a hero during those days. He was far from it actually. He was a murderous monster and killed innocent lives. That's the opposite of a hero. Even if it was in the name for the "greater good", that still didn't make it right.

Even if he did it in the name of the dead.

Weeks have past and still no sign of his Byleth. Sure there were also other versions of Byleth here as well, but it didn't feel the same. There was a version of her from the past, but she was already close with the student versions of him and his friends so he didn't want to intrude on them. He saw another Byleth in swimwear once too, but whenever he was around this Byleth, he was reminded of one thin he has been missing from his wife.

And even in some other worlds Byleth wasn't a she, but a he. This version, however, chose to lead the Black Eagles or Golden Deer depending on which one he talked to, so there was no way they would've had a connection.

After nearly a month away from Faerghus, his own Byleth still hasn't even shown up. The Summoner told him it was because more powerful heroes were harder to summon and that they were trying desperately to bring her here.

One day, while on a mission with the team he was assigned, an urgent message was sent for the King of Faerghus. The Summoner needed him. While trekking back, questions were whirling around in his head. Was he being sent home? Was Byleth brought here? Did he do something wrong? Was he going to be punished?

Dwelling on it wouldn't help anything. When they reached the castle, the Commander along with the prince and princess met him at the front gates. "Dimitri there you are!" The commander, Anna, called out.

"Kiran is waiting for you!" Princess Sheranna said.

"Right." Dimitri replied. He wandered to the summoner's gate. Hopefully this won't be too bad. When he approached the summoner's gate, Kiran was there waiting.

"Ah, there you are Dimitri!" Kiran said. "I have some great news!"

"What is it?" Dimitri asked. Is it Byleth? He added in his thoughts.

"I found a way to bring Byleth here." Kiran said. They cleared their throat. "Well, your Byleth specifically"

Dimitri's face lit up. He'll be with his beloved again. "If you don't mind, can you do it now?" Dimitri asked.

Kiran nodded. "That's why I asked you here. Didn't want to do it without you around to see her."

Dimitri stood behind Kiran as they did their summoning process. The magic shot out of Kiran's strange mechanical-like tome and into the summoning stone. Once the smoke cleared and light shot out of it, sure enough, Byleth wearing the outfit of the Enlightened One class was there.

"I present to you, Byleth: The Fódlan Light!" Kiran announced.

"Dimitri?!" Byleth said.

"Beloved, it's you!" Dimitri called as he ran up to her and embraced Byleth.

"Missed me huh." Byleth teased. They broke away so they could look each other in the eyes. "I was wondering what happened to you. I was so worried. Especially after I tried every spell to get you home."

"It only matters that you are here now, beloved." Dimitri said.

Kiran, still in the background, laughed to themselves. "True love always finds a way I guess." They said. "Now I just need a way to tell Anna I blew most of our money on orbs.." 


Fun fact: this wasn't my original idea for this story. I was going to do a wedding alt for them but couldn't really finish past the first interaction. So I made this instead. 

I really hope y'all enjoyed these prompts! I certainly enjoyed making them!

Unfortunately with my main story taking up most of my writing time, I can't be for sure when the next true Blue Lions one shot will be, but I will play around with the ideas I have so far to see what I can get. 

As always, I hope y'all have a great day and I'll see y'all later! 

~The Artist Sylveon 🌸

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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