Dimileth Week 2021 3/4

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Prompt: Engagement

The war is over. Right before departing the monastery for the Kingdom's capital, Dimitri has something important he'd like to tell Byleth. Byleth isn't the only one wanting to tell him her true feelings. A retelling of the S-Support. (Yes I know there are tons of them but I just can't help myself >w<)


Byleth stood in the evening air on the balcony of the Goddess Tower. There was a slight chill of the wind since autumn was approaching. She was waiting on someone. Someone important. Every minute felt like an hour in her anticipation. Byleth fumbled with the ring her father gave her in her pocket. This is it. Tell him truly how you feel. She thought.

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming up the stone stairs. Byleth turned around and saw Dimitri at the top of the stairs, the same stairs moons ago that were littered with corpses and where Byleth found Dimitri after 5 long years. Byleth immediately ran towards him and wrapped her arms around him. Dimitri did the same and used one hand to stroke her hair.

"Come now, my friend. Tomorrow is such an early morning, we need to get some rest." Dimitri said without breaking apart from the embrace. "Then again, I know that matters little. You cannot sleep, can you?"

Byleth shook her head. "No, I can't find my mind to relax."

"Ahh, I see. Neither can I of course." Dimitri took a deep breath and partially broke away from the embrace to look Byleth in the eyes since he was too tall to do so while holding her close. "I... I would like you to know I am sorry for making you do so much when your battle wounds aren't completely healed yet."

"Oh it's awful." Byleth said sarcastically. Dimitri didn't get the joke right away as he started to apologize quickly.

"Well, I truly am sorry. I only ask that you do not overexert yourself. But I'm afraid only our burden will gro-" Dimitri apologized but Byleth put a finger up to his mouth.

"I only kid you. I was merely joking." She said. She hovered her hand close to where the dagger Edelgard threw at Dimitri as a last-ditch effort. "But what of yours?" She asked worriedly.

"Do not worry about me." Dimitri said as he gingerly grabbed Byleth's wrist over his left shoulder and held it in his hand. "My shoulder has healed nicely. I still have some numbness in my hand, but it should not hinder me as much."

Byleth moved her hand from Dimitri holding her wrist and top of her hand to their hands being in each other. She led Dimitri to the balcony to enjoy the sunset side by side.

"It's a lovely night, is it not?" Dimitri said.

"It's beautiful." Byleth said as she looked off into the sunset of blues, pinks, and purples mixing together in the western sky. "It almost gives me a sign of hope for what's to come." She said as she was about to pull out the ring from her pocket but Dimitri started talking again.

"How many nights has it been since I was kept awake by hopes for the future rather than nightmares of the past..." Dimitri said.

Byleth somewhat knew about the nightmares plagued by Dimitri. Most of time he didn't want to talk about them, but she was able to get some information out of him so she can try to help him. "What kind of nightmares?" She asked.

"I have had the same nightmare for nine long years. A nightmare in which I am constantly tormented by those who have died. They ask me why I have not avenged them. Why I got to live, yet they had to die." Dimitri explained. He looked down as he explained some more. "No matter how many corpses I piled up for them, in the end, their voices only grew louder. Voices loathing me, calling out to me. Their inescapable death cries ringing in my ears, clinging to my soul. Even now, I can always hear them. I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die."

"Dimitri... I.. I'm so sorry." Byleth said. She also knew about the voices. Back when Dimitri was still out of his right mind, Byleth would constantly walk in on him seemingly talking to himself, but upon further inspection, he was talking to the supposed voices of his passed loved ones.

Dimitri shook his head. "I do not need your pity. Because I will not cover my ears. I will go on living and their voices will serve as a warning." He continued. "As a king.. and as a wretch who claimed countless lives.. I will build a Kingdom where the people can live in peace. I am sure she would laugh and call such talk foolish. But I wish to change this world in my own way."

"And I will be there for every step of the way." Byleth said and once again fumbled around in her pocket for the ring but couldn't grab it in time before Dimitri once again continued talking.

"I would love that." He replied. He turned to face her. "Well Your Grace, our first order of business is tomorrow's coronation. Once a professor and student. Now an archbishop and a king. How very far we have come."

"Only our titles have changed Dimitri. We're still the same." Byleth said.

Dimitri let out a small laugh. "That is true." He said. "To me, you will always be the one that guided me so kindly, my ally through all, my beloved." He paused for a brief moment. "Yes, my beloved."

If Byleth had a true heartbeat, she would've been sure it would've skipped a beat just now. It's really happening. She thought. "Dimitri.." she said softly.

"Listen, there is something I wish to give you before the coronation." Dimitri said. "Give me your hand." Byleth did as instructed and Dimitri opened his other hand he strategically kept out of view this whole time. In it was a silver and emerald ring. Byleth gasped but couldn't find the words to say.

"Please, I beg of you, say something!" Dimitri pleaded. "If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away."

Byleth shook her head. "That's not it at all." She said as she used her free hand to take out the ring in her pocket. "In fact, I was about to do the same thing."

"What is this?" Dimitri asked.

"I love you Dimitri. Marry me." Byleth said bluntly. "But it seems you beat me to it."

Dimitri's face lit up and he kissed Byleth. When they parted, Dimitri held both of Byleth's in his own. "Yes, I see, right. In that case, let us exchange them."

Dimitri's emerald ring fit perfectly on Byleth's left ring finger. While Byleth's ring didn't exactly fit onto Dimitri's, he opted to keep it on his left pinky until they could get it sized correctly.

After putting his ring on Byleth, Dimitri's hands lingered on hers. "Your hands, now that I hold them within my own, I see how warm and fragile they are." He lifted it up to kiss it. "These hands that have saved me countless times, thank you my beloved." He leaned in for one more kiss. "Your kind, warm hands, may they cling to my own forevermore." 


Gotta have that fluff lol. Hope y'all enjoyed! Have a great day :)

~The Artist Sylveon 🌸

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