"You know what the name Sloan means, Ryan?" She asks in a low voice, staring into his eyes with a raging fire burning in her green eyes. "It means 'warrior'. That's what I am. I'm not pathetic. I'm not afraid. I'm not weak. I'm a damn warrior." She punches him one more time in the eye before releasing the boy's head and backing away as a teacher finally breaks through the sea of students and pulls Sloan away from Ryan. 

"Take her to the office." He says, passing her off to another teacher before making the students disperse. 

Sloan sits in the worn leather chair in the waiting area of the office. Her face and knuckles throbbed and her head was pounding but she didn't dare ask for ice. In fact, she didn't say a word, just stared blankly ahead, her silence and blank expression slightly unnerving the women that worked in the office. 

Sloan could feel the bruising already forming around her eye, her jaw no doubt a bright red as well. There was a little bit of blood trickling from the cut below her eye but she makes no move to wipe it off. Her knuckles are bruised and swollen and slightly cut up from the force of her punches, a little bit of blood coming from the wounds. 

The door to the office opens and Jensen walks in. He sees his daughter across the room and immediately walks over to her. He kneels in front of her, taking in her appearance, but she doesn't dare look him in the eye, not ready to see the anger and disappointment in his green orbs. 

"What the hell did you do, Sloan?" He asks quietly, not receiving a response of any kind. Or even a hint that she heard him. 

"Mr. Ackles." The principal, Mr. Nelson, says as he steps out of his office at the end of the hall. "This way, please." Jensen stand up and follows the graying man to his office. 

When he returns fifteen minutes later, Sloan wordlessly stands up and follows him to his truck, knowing if she speaks before he has a chance to simmer down, she'll be in a lot more trouble than she already was. The ride home was tense and silent. Jensen gripped the steering wheel tight the whole way and Sloan stared out her window, trying to ignore the pain from her injuries. 

There were so many things she wanted to say. That she was sorry. Not because she got into the fight, but because she didn't stop herself when she could have. That she didn't start the fight and didn't go looking for it either. But most of all, she wanted to apologize for disappointing him again. She should have just walked away. But her pride and stubbornness wouldn't let her. 

When they pull up to the house, Sloan slides out of the truck and slings her bag over her shoulder, walking to the house. Jensen stays in the car a few moments longer, trying to calm himself before he talks to his daughter. 

When Sloan enters the house, she goes to the living room and wordlessly sits on the couch, setting her bag by her feet. Danneel walks in to get a look at her injuries, sitting on the footstool in front of the couch. 

"What happened?" She asks gently, dabbing at the cut on her cheek with a wet paper towel. Sloan hisses and pulls her face away. "Sorry." 

"That stupid kid Ryan cornered me again." Sloan says quietly, looking down at her hands as she lets Danneel clean the small cut. It wasn't anything to fuss over but Sloan knew better than to argue with the woman. 

"Tell me you got at least one good punch in." She says. Sloan smiles slightly and nods. 

"More than that." Jensen says from the doorway, making the female turn to him. He stood leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, looking every bit like Dean Winchester about to lecture Sam, which makes Sloan look away. "She broke his nose. He's gonna have to have surgery to fix it right." Sloan looks down at her lap, her fingers playing with the end of her shirt. "Danneel, can you give us a minute?" Danneel sighs and pats Sloan's knee before standing up, coming to a stop next to her husband. 

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