Chapter Thirteen

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"We are very proud of you my dear angel. You have done something that is difficult for most angels. You have taught yourself and mastered your powers by yourself. Something that only a few angels have been able to do. For your reward, we will give you the symbol of angels. And more abilities. These ones will be more difficult to find and master. But, we see that you will be able to master them all. Good luck on your journey my dear angel. We will be watching over you.

I woke up from my dream with a stinging pain on my forearm. I looked down to see the same symbol the lady was talking about. I also felt more powerful too.
It wasn't just a dream. I tapped Jimin's shoulder excitedly.

"Psst! Jimin! Wake up!!" He stirred. But didn't wake up.
"Jimin! Wake up!!" I pushed him harder.
"What! What! What's going on?" He said sleepily.
"Look! Look here!" I pointed at the symbol on my arm.

"What's that?" He ran his finger over it.
"It's the symbol of the angels. I was awarded it." I said proudly. I couldn't keep my eyes off it. It was beautiful.

"That's amazingly baby! Look at you! Getting special awards. I'm so proud!" He said snaking his arms around me.
"What's going on?" Lisa yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Lisa, would it be alright to throw a party? Kind of like a dance. It will give us a chance to use that ballroom." She perked up when he said dance.
"Ooo! I'd love to do that! But, what about those people that are looking for you?" He thought for a minute.

"What about a masquerade ball! We can still have a good time, but we would have to wear masks to hide ourselves."
"That's a great idea! I'll go start preparing."
"But Lisa. It's five in the morning?"

"Yeah so? I always get up around this time."
"Oh. Okay then. Well, I'll go get cleaned up too." I was still really tired, but I wanted to help Lisa.
"No. It's ok. You go back to sleep." I lay back down.
"Don't have to tell me twice." I laid back down next to Jimin, who was already fast asleep.

It wasn't till ten thirty when I woke up again. Jimin was already up and getting ready for the day.
"Holy crap! Are you up before me?" I sat up and stretched.

"Yeah. Lisa asked me to help her."
"Oh! I'll help to!" I started getting out of bed and grabbing my clothes.
"No no no. This is for you. We want to do this for you. Ok?" He kissed me on the forehead.

"Are you sure? I could help with-" he shook his head smiling.
"Nope. We are doing this for you. You won't have to lift a finger my angel." My heart started to beat fast. I never thought I would like the cute nicknames. He pulled me into a hug. The air was filled with his cologne.

"Alright. But I still have to get ready. I need to study."
"Ok. Remember to take breaks though. Alright?" I smiled at him and kissed his jaw.

"Of course! As long as I see you during my breaks." His eyes turned purple for a split second.
"Yes baby. I will come see you."
"Good." I kissed him again and went to go get cleaned up.

I got out of the shower and went back to my room. When I got there, the smell of Jimin's cologne was still in the room. I got dressed, but before I left, I took one of his sweaters from his closet.

Today the library was colder than normal. The day was rainy as well. I looked outside to see, as I suspected, dark storm clouds were heading this way. I went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of tea. I passed Lisa on my way there.

"Cute sweater! Where'd you get it?" She said.
"Oh! Thanks, but it's jimins. It was cold in the library. So I went to grab something to keep me warm."

"Aw cute! Well, I've been planning the ball and everything is going good so far! I'm super excited!"
"Me too! And again, thank you for this. You didn't have to do all this."

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