Chapter Four

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"Thank you so so much Y/n. I really appreciate your help." Christian says giving me a hug. Both our arms were filled with new clothes and shoes. As I suspected, he started going for a different style.
"Oh! Here. This is a gift for you. I thought you would like them." I handed him the small box I got at the jewelers.
"Oh? You didn't have to.."
"Just open the box." I nudge him. He slowly opens it and smiles.
"Wow! These are beautiful. Thank you." He leans in to give me a hug.
"Of course! Go and unpack your things now. There should be hangers in the closet. Afterwards, we can go out for lunch if you want."

"Ok. Everything is all put away. I also decided to change into something new also." I turned around to see him wearing a blue button down with jeans.
"Wow... you look good." I said shyly. He smiled wide. "Thanks! Ok, I'm ready to go when you are." I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on. As I opened the door, the same man that asked for my number was standing on my doorstep.
"I knew you'd be here." He said as he looked behind me. I turn around to see Christian glaring at the man.

"Do you two know each other?" I ask, trying not to sound worried. The man pushes past me and stretches out on the couch. I decided not to tell Christian that I've already met him at the store.
"I am this poor chaps brother. And what's your name princess?" The guy gets up and takes my hand, leaving a kiss on it. I looked over at Christian and his eyes turned bright red. I knew this guy was bad news. I took my hand out of his and told him a fake name.
"Lilly. My name is Lilly. Uh, what brings you here?" I ask sitting next to Christian on the couch.
"I've come to take my brother home. We had a death in the family and our mother wants him there." I was able to catch Christians reaction. It was more shock than sadness.
"W-who was it? Who died?" He asked. His brother was able to tell him through his eyes who it was, because Christian went pale. Paler than the day I found him.
"You know who it is." The man said. He shook his head.
"No. I'm not going. I'm staying here. They will just have to pick someone else." Christian said, sounding even more nervous than before. I myself had no idea as to what was going on, so I decided to leave. Before I could, Christians' hand wrapped around my wrist.
"Stay here" he said in a cold tone. I looked at him and he was trying to stay strong, but I could see he was terrified. I nodded and sat back down.
"Aww. Looks like little Jiminie got attached. Sorry princess, but where we are going is a one way ticket. Come on jimin, we need to leave." He got up off his seat and grabbed Christian, or now Jimin's, arm and tried to force him towards the door.
"No! Let go of me Namjoon or I swear to the devil himself I won't control myself." He says. Red started to glow at Jimin's fingertips. His eyes turned a color of red that I didn't even know existed. At this point, his brother Namjoon was getting frustrated.
"Stop fooling around Jimin. We have to go." With one swift move, Jimin shot, what looked like fire, from his fingertips straight at Namjoon. Knocking him onto the floor.

"I said No!" By this time, I was in the kitchen hiding behind the counters. Jimin was on a full out rage. The ground was shaking, things were being thrown everywhere. The temperature in the house got hotter as well. By this time I knew what I looked up was real. He is the son of the devil.
"Just calm down Jimin. You were destined to take this role. You have to." I could hear Namjoon say, trying to calm him down. I had enough of hiding. I jumped out of the kitchen and started to walk over to Jimin.
"Jimin! Calm down please! We can talk this out. There's no need for this." I was able to reach his hand. I took it, but quickly let go realizing he burnt my hand. I screamed in pain. The room went all fuzzy then everything turned dark.

"Y/n! Please wake up! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to burn you. Please wake up.." I heard Jimin say. He kept on fading in and out. I heard more arguing and then a door slam. Then quiet.
I shook my head to wake up and sat up on the couch. To my surprise, everything was cleaned up. All the furniture that was broken was fixed. Broken glass was cleaned up. It looked like nothing happened.
"Christian? Where are you?" No answer. I placed my hand down on the couch only to wince in pain. My palm was red and covered with scars. Slowly getting up, I went to the kitchen to run my hand under cold water. What happened before I blacked out was running through my head.
So everything I read was true. But. I thought that all Parks were bad? He doesn't seem like a bad person.
I wrapped a paper towel around my hand and searched for some bandages.
I look down to see Chimmy rubbing his head on my leg. As I went to go down to pet him, he quickly heads in the direction of the guest room. I follow and knock on the door.
"Christian? Are you in here? Can I come in?" I hear a muffled yes and open the door. The room was hot.
"Don't come any closer. Please.. you'll get hurt again.." I hear him say. I walk over to the window and open it. Then turn on the A.C. When the room cooled down enough, I sat down next to him on the floor.
"You probably think I'm a monster. I'll leave now.." He started getting up, but I shook my head.
"No. I want you to stay. Come. Sit back down." He hesitated, but did what I said. We didn't talk for a while. But as I sat there, I could feel the temperature of the room drop significantly. His body temperature even dropped.
"How's your hand?" He said pointing to the bleeding bandages.
"Oh this? I'm doing fine. It will heal. How are you doing?"
"Not great. Hot mostly." He said. I reached out my hand to feel his head. He wasn't that hot. But he felt like how someone would feel if they had a high fever.
"Do you want to take a cold shower? That always helps me when I feel too hot. I mean, I probably don't know how you feel, but it might help." He shook his head.
"It won't. The only way is to wait it out." I nod, taking my hand away from him. We sit in silence for a while.
"You really aren't afraid of me?" He says out of the blue. I shook my head.
"No. I'm more confused and curious than anything else. I really want to help, but I think you will have to tell me more about you and your past for me to do so." He nods.
"I warn you, if I do start to scare you, I will know and I will leave. You will never see me again." I nod and wait for him to start.
"My father, my real father, wasn't the nicest man. He was a gang member. Leader to be exact. He was, at a time, where all other branches of his gang hated him. He was a really cold hearted man and only showed respect to only the people he thought deserved it. I wasn't one of them. My mother wasn't either. He paid no attention to either of us. We were background characters in his life. He only acknowledged us when he was in a deal to get more for his money. When people started to realize he was scamming them, the whole gang turned their back on him. One night when he was trying to get away from the guys in his gang, he came. Straight out of the darkness. He offered protection to him, but for a price. The man said he would give him the power to win back everyone's trust and to be the most powerful gang leader in history. Being himself, he took it, and traded my mother and I to the devil. I was three years old and had no idea why we were leaving our nice big house to a dark and scary one. The man who took us passed powers onto me. Powers that only worked when I was angry or acted like them. My step brothers to be exact. My mother kept my real father's life a story. Whenever I would ask she would brush off the question. She wanted me to forget about my father and start a new life. But it wasn't so peachy after. I was pushed around by my stepbrother's for being quiet, and most of all, nice. I wasn't a monster, and I don't understand why he chose me to take over when he's gone. Two days before I showed up here, I got into a big fight with one of my stepbrothers. Namjoon. That's the man that came here. And when one of them is mad, they all get mad. Not to mention violent. That's how my earring got ripped out. Every son in the family has to wear one. When I told them that I don't want any part in this hell of a family, literally, they each took a turn punching the life out of me. Saying that I'm lucky I lived this long. Namjoon was the one to rip my ear. He hated me the most. But not like how everyone else hated me. He hated how I acted. He didn't want any harm to come my way because he knew I didn't belong here. He was more of a guardian, someone who watched over me. But, him being the oldest, he had to take the only thing that said I was part of the family. And now, I'm just trying to hide. I don't want to go back. And will never go back." I was listening carefully to his story. I didn't want to miss anything. I knew he had a difficult past, but not that difficult. I honestly didn't know what to say. Multiple times, he looked like he was going to break down crying.
"Y/n? Please say something." He looked at me hopelessly.
"Do you know where your real father is?"
"No. He eventually died because he was testing his "immortality". He was never given immortality. He was given a fresh start. But he was stupid and to prove he would live through anything, he had his gang fire shots at him to prove what happened was real." I looked at him confused.
"But, I read that you were kidnapped." He shook his head.
"I wasn't kidnapped. I was given to the devil as an exchange. My father's life for mine and my mothers." I took in everything he said.
"When Namjoon came, he said someone died."
"Yes. My stepfather. It's a little confusing. When someone is the ruler of the underworld, they take the powers of the previous leader. That's what turns them into the devil. When you take the powers, you completely forget who you were before and you become him. Physically and mentally. And I'm next. I never knew why he chose me. My step brothers were jealous that it wasn't one of his own kind. I don't want to go back. Please Y/n. Don't make me go back." He rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel warm tears hit my arm.
"Don't worry. As long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen. You won't go back. I promise"I stroked his head with my hand until he fell asleep.

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