Chapter Five

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"Hey Jimin! I was gonna go out and grab a coffee. Do you wanna come?" I asked, hoping he would leave the house. A week has passed since jimin told me his story. Since then, he's been a little more cheerful. But he won't go outside. Since it's fall, the weather has been gloomy and we've had multiple thunderstorms. More than the usual storm once a month. Jimin thinks it's because he left.
"I don't know Y/n. I mean, I would love to spend more time with you, but I'm just afraid that-"
"Jimin. I know you're scared. But everyone has to overcome something that scares them in their life. I know it's nothing to compare to your life, but when I first started working at the hospital I was so nervous I could hardly keep my hands steady." I sat next to him on the couch. He was looking down in shame, trying to hide his face.
"Life can be scary, but to overcome our fears, we have to face them dead on. Come with me to the cafe, i'll buy. And if you enjoy it, i'll take you around the town shops. If you don't, we can come back and stay inside. Ok? I'm here to protect you as well. I promised nothing bad would happen to you." He nodded his head and slowly got up off the couch and grabbed his shoes.
"Great! Let's go. No time to waste." I grab his hand and head out to the streets.

"Y/n, do you think we can come here tomorrow too?" I heard him ask in a small voice. We were sitting in the small cafe I was telling him about. There were little kittens running around on the floor, and the whole building had a nice cozy feel to it.
"Of course! See? It's not so scary. Look! You even made a friend." I pointed to the small calico kitten that planted itself into his lap.
"That's very odd coming from that kitten. He usually distances himself from almost everyone who tries to get close. I have had multiple people try and adopt him because of how rare his kind is. But every time I have said no because he would show no interest in meeting his possible owner." The waitress says.
"Wow Jiminie! That's so cute! How much is he?" I ask, taking out my wallet. The lady smiled.
"Sir? I need to have your word first that you really want this kitten before I sell him to you." She said. Jimin thought for a moment, stroking the kitten's little ears. I watch him not his head and smile.
"Great! Come with me, miss. I'll ring you up at the register."
"Ok. Will you be alright by yourself for a little bit?" He nods. I walk with the lady to the front.
"You two are very lucky. I've had that kitten since it was born. He wasn't a people person."
"Wow. We are lucky."
"You are lucky ma'am."
"Sorry." I look at her confused.
"Oh. Well, your boyfriend is so handsome. I wanted to say you two look so cute together. I've had multiple couples come in and you and your boyfriend top them all." I could feel a blush cross my face.
"Thank you, but-"
"And your friends are even handsome!"
"I- what?"
I followed her gaze to see six men towering over Jimin.
Oh no
"Here's your receipt. I'll get you a kennel." The lady left and I went back to Jimin.
"Uh Jimin? Who are these people?" He turns around to look at me. The kitten he was holding jumps into my arms.
"Hello Lily. Nice to see you again. We were having a little, family reunion." A familiar voice says. Namjoon pushes to the front of the group of men.
"Now, I'll say this once and only once. Take us back to your house where we can talk in private or there will be consequences." I gulped.
This can't be good.

"Well, since you already know me. Let me introduce you to the rest of little jimmies family." Namjoon says smiling. We were all seated in the living room. Jimin was on my right, Namjoon on my left.
"You're not my family..." Jimin whispered under his breath.
"That's Seokjin, the oldest. Then there's Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook, the youngest." Each brother flashed an evil smile my way when Namjoon said their name. Except the brother named Taehyung. He glared at me.
"H-hello.." I say. Each brother was tall. Six foot or higher. Their styles were the same: edgy, dark, evil looking. Seokjin, and Jungkook had the same colored hair as Namjoon. Pitch black. Hoseok and Taehyung both had red hair and Yoongi was the only one with blonde.
"Can I ask why you are all here?" They all chuckled.
"I think you already know the answer to that question, sweetheart." The boy named Hoseok said. His stare sent shivers down my spine.
"We're here to take our dear brother back home. Isn't that right, Jimin?" Yoongi says deeply, making eye contact with Jimin. He quickly looks away.
"I already told Namjoon. I'm not going back. Why can't one of you take his place."
"We already told you this. He wrote it down. When it's written it can't be changed. Now suck it up and stop being a fucking baby." Taehyung got up and grabbed Jimin's arm. Only to let go, wincing in pain.
"What the fuck happened? What did you do! This is your fault!" He lashed out pointing at me. I looked at him confused.
"I- I didn't do anything. How could I.." Taehyung's face started to heat up. I could see what looked like lightning bolts flash in his eyes.
"It's all your fault!" He lunges at me. I fell backwards trying to get away. I've never felt more terrified in my life. He looked like he was going to kill me. He probably would've if Jin and Namjoon didn't hold him back.
"Woa! Woa! Steady Taehyung. She didn't do anything." His red eyes stared into mine. I could physically see the rage flowing through him.
When Namjoon and Jin got Taehyung to settle down, Yoongi spoke.
"She did do something. Were you going to tell us that you are a descendant of a long line of angels. Or were we going to not mention that. Also, her name isn't Lily. It's y/n." I looked at him shocked.
"What?! No, no I'm not. I'm just a human. I didn't know anything about devils or angels until Jimin showed up."
"She's lying! She does know. She casted a spell on him!" Taehyung yelled.
"No. She's not lying. She's been lied to." yoongi said lazily.
"We can't do anything about this situation. Jimin's been touched by an angel. He can't come back with us." Yoongi finishes. He gets up off the couch and leaves.
"Well then, I guess we will leave." Jin says, collecting Jungkook and Taehyung from the couch. While Taehyung was getting up, he never took his eyes off me. It made me very uncomfortable.
"Don't look into his eyes." Jimin said putting his hand over my eyes.
"This isn't over. We will be back. And you'll be sorry." I heard Taehyung yell before they all disappeared.
"Jimin.. I didn't know. I had no clue, I-"
"Did you look into Taehyung's eyes. Even for a split second." He said looking me over.
"Only for a second when Namjoon introduced him. And then again when he tried to attack me. Why?"
"Shit. Ok. Umm, this will sound weird but when you make eye contact with Taehyung. He can see where you are at all times. Who you're with, every conversation you have." I start to panic.
"What do I do? I have to work, and my mom is coming over in a couple of days with my nephew. I can't cancel. Ahh! This is making my head hurt." I rest my head in my hands.
"Hey, you're going to be ok. Nothing bad will happen. Yoongi said you're an angel. Demons can't enter the minds of angels."
"But what if your brother is wrong? What if I'm not." He shook his head.
"Yoongi is never wrong. That's his power. He can look into people's pasts and see where they came from. He can see their origin. He can also read minds as well." He paused. "You said your mom is coming over? Maybe you should ask her about it. Yoongi said you have been lied to. Maybe she'll know something about it?" I nod.
"But what if-"
"It's true. Remember the day I told you about my past. Half way through I got this feeling that I was going to be ok. Like I would have someone looking out for me. You never showed fear about my past. You helped me as much as you could. No real human could do that. And when I leaned my head on your shoulder, I could see that you were."
"But jimin. I'm a nurse. Of course I'm going to help."
"You don't get it. When you entered the guest room when I was trying to cool down, it was the same temperature as the underworld. A real human couldn't last in that heat. The only reason you burned your hand the first time is because I got scared and thought you were Namjoon. Check your hand. It should be healed." I took off the bandages. And he was right. No scars. It looked like nothing happened.
"Woa.." I sat there in shock. So much was happening. I was at a loss for words.
"When Taehyung tried to pick me up, he let go. You somehow put a protective shield on me. Since I'm not a demon by blood, it worked." I saw him smile a little. He knew he would be protected when I'm around. It made me feel important.
"See I told you I would protect you. Well, back when I first promised I didn't know I was an angel. But I know I will try harder." He looked at me, relief written on his face.
"Ok! Well, how about you go get cleaned up while I make some dinner. It's almost seven." He shook his head.
"I'll cook. You go get cleaned up. It's the least I can do." I nod and get up.
"You know where everything is right?"
"Yes. Now go get cleaned up." He lightly pushes me to my room.

Taehyung's pov
"Arrrgggg! Why can't I see anything from her! I thought yoongi said he was lying!" I yell. I'm frustrated. I wanted to learn about her to hit it where it hurts. Bring her down from her roots. But for some odd reason, I can't.
"Relax hyung. Some people are harder to read than others. You're still practicing as well. Oh by the way. Nice touch back there. With the pain when you touched Jimin. To make her think she is one. Right on." Jungkook said, raising his hand for a high five. I looked at him, still frustrated.
"I wasn't faking it. That was real. I'm beginning to think yoongi wasn't lying." I watched him walk over to me.
"Not lying about what." I pointed to the mirror.
"I can't see anything she's seeing. I can't hear anything. You said you were lying." He looked confused.
"I was lying. She can't be one. The angels that were in her family all died out. There's no way she could be one." I bang my fist on the table.
"I'm not taking any chances. Go get Jin. He'll help me more than you two."

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