#14 2nd request (゚⊿゚)

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I didn't realize I posted them out of order until now. *in best Joey Rooney voice* My baaad. This is a request from @Codie-Catamaree hope you like it :) Ayyy I spelled the name right.

Role swap AU (where everything is the same except for two dolls ;))

"Pretty makes perfect." The green eyed leader sang, looking at the dolls running through the course. The point of this exercise was to be light on your feet and prepared for any unexpected spills to occur while being played with.

You jumped over glue spills and slid behind a nearby wall. When the spotlight blazed on you, you 'played doll' and was limp on the floor. A few seconds after the light left you, you climbed on top of the monkey bars and used as much strength as you could to not fall at the paint buckets below. You finally let go and ran to the end of the course.

You ran faster, not noticing a paintbrush in your way until it was too late. You fell on your face and watched as a few dolls look in your direction and run to the finish line. You groaned and tried to pick yourself up.

'Nolan's going to yell at me for sure', you thought worriedly.

You scrambled to your feet and made it to the end of the course. You were panting and tired but had to look unfazed. You stood perfectly straight and lined up next to the other dolls. 

"Y/n come here." Nolan demanded in a calm tone. You had your head down as you walked towards him. He tilted your head up and inspected your body.

"Your lucky there are no scrapes or smudges on you young lady. Or you would have gone to the wash" He scolded before gesturing you to walk back. You sighed with relief and walked back in line. Usually he was very strict on this, but he must be in a good mood.

Once training was over, you walked to your home and collapsed on your couch. You heard a small knock and groaned, slowly getting up and opening it. Lou stood there smiling nervously with a bowl of ice cream (Your favorite flavor) in hand. Your eyes sparkled at the dessert and shoved him inside.

"Lou! Is that for me?" You asked excitedly. He nodded shyly.

"I saw you had a bad fall. So I'm here to cheer you up." His different colored eyes gleamed at you.

"Aww. Come on in." you grinned and skipped to him.

You met Lou when you were first made. You were too distracted by the glittering marble institute, you didn't realize you would bump into someone who was doing the same. You both collided and fell to the floor. He apologized profusely and helped pick you up.

 You quickly noticed his different colored eyes, blue streaks in his hair, and freckles. Which you thought made him look pretty cute. You laughed it off and decided to look at the place together. And so your friendship began.

He sat on your couch (its not the therapy couch. that's in the mansion) and ate a huge spoonful of the ice cream. You giggled and took the extra spoon from his hands, doing the same. You both sat in comfortable silence for a while. The occasional small fight for a piece you clearly cut while he said he had that saved. In the end you won and ate it slowly in front of his face, basking in your triumph. He blushed but tried to hide it by looking away.

Once you both finished, you grabbed the bowl and dumped it in your sink. To be honest, you liked Lou for a while now, but you knew it would be risky considering you might endanger the perfect friendship you have now. So you would brush off any feelings whenever you were around him.

"H-hey Y/n? Do I have ice cream on m-my face?" Lou looked flustered and was blushing hard. Turns out you spaced out too long and you were staring at him with the sink running. You quickly looked away and turned off the running water.

Lou x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now