#26 All dolled up (recycling names XD)

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Hey hey hey. I have a Valentine chapter special planned BUT I want to do something else in spirit of the month of love. Like in my announcements, it shall be tea on me XD but all crush related. I am down and ready but I want to know if ya'll wanna see that. If you do just type a lil '<3' anywhere in the next few chapters before the behind-the-scenes. You can only ask for tea once ;)

This was a request from @ShiNekoCreator . Sorry it's so late. Also they made they're own Lou one shot book if anyone wants to check that out.

Stylist Human Au 

"Excuse me Ms. Y/n but you have scheduled modeling in 20 minutes so you can't eat anything till then." Your assistant Mandy gently grabbed the apple from your hand. You rolled your eyes as your stomach grumbled. "Hey Mandy, when's the makeup guy coming over? We're already behind schedule." You walked around and helped a few of your models get ready for their shoot. 

Mandy made a small scream sound before running to her desk and snatching a giant pile of paperwork. She scanned through each file quickly before getting call through her earpiece. "Dolled up and Co. how may I help you?" She paced around before freezing. Her face was filled with a pent up rage. "Michael I don't care if your sick, we need you here to do Y/n's makeup...Yes...Uh-huh...But- UGH." she hung up and paced around again. 

She quickly ran to you, "Ms. Y/n he cancelled last minute! I need you to pick a new guy in the next five minutes or-" You squeezed her tense shoulder. "Everything's going to be ok Mandy. Calm down." She took shallow breaths but obeyed. You quickly skimmed through you magazine of your makeup guys. "What about this one? His names Nolan." She shook her head. "He's helping a dozen models downstairs. How about this guy?" She pointed to the new guy.

" You think he can handle it?" You hesitated. "He's gone above and beyond before. What better way to impress the boss of the company than by doing her makeup?" She smirked. You took a deep breath and smiled back. "Call him up."


Lou was bored. Being the new guy had no perks. 'hey rookie, get me coffee.' 'New guy, i need my makeup bag.' He felt he had so much more potential than over glorified secretary. He lazily reached for his phone to see if he had gotten any appointments. To no surprise, his calendar was empty. He draped his hand over his face and sighed dramatically. Until a stack of papers slamming on his desk interrupted him.

"Are you done being depressed your highness?" Mandy asked sarcastically. Lou blushed in embarrassment for being caught by someone in such a powerful job of authority. "Yes ma'am." He bowed his head. She rolled her eyes, "Good. Your doing Ms. Y/n's face and hair for her shoot. The fate of the company rests in your makeup bag." Mandy looked darkly at him. He gasped lightly and stuttered, "You...You mean T-the Y/n? Boss of this company Y/n?" Mandy had no time for him to catch up.

"The one and only. Now hurry up before she changes her mind." He immediately shot up and grabbed his supplies. He knew today would be the day.


As soon as he walked towards your dressing room, he was met with dozens of news reporters who managed to escape security. They easily cornered him to your door as he was bombarded with millions of questions per minute.

'Are you going to be designing the look for Y/n?' 'Do you have a sliver of info you can release at this time?'

 'Does she spill secrets with you?' 'Will you ask her why she isn't returning my calls?'

 'Are you a model?' 'Can anyone direct me to the restroom?' 'When does she leave?'

Lou had no idea how to respond before he felt your door open slightly. Instantly, a hand was seen grabbing his tie before yanking him in the room. He was gently pushed to the side so you could talk to the crowd, "Yes, no, perhaps, leave me alone and he looks like he could be, floor 3 first door to the right and when I feel like it. Have a good day and leave the building before I call the cops."

Lou looked at you with awe and fear. Just as he should. (had such a good time writing that tbh XD) You slammed the door and laughed. It was fun being the boss, you got to do whatever you wanted. With certain limits of course. You turned to him and smiled. 

"Wow you look more beautiful in person." He sighed. "Aw thanks. Your not so bad yourself." You punched his shoulder playfully. He blushed profusely, "I said that out loud?" You laughed and nodded before walking to the clothing rack.

"Your names Louis correct?" You spoke while skimming through the outfits. "Well actually it's Lou but-" "Say Lou do you think this dress matches my eyes?" You held the dress closely. "No it's all wrong." He said absent-mindedly before covering his mouth. You nodded and searched through again.

"You get the products and whatever ready while I change." You gave a small salute before walking to the mini restroom. He gulped nervously and set up his supplies next to your mirror. Lou noticed a wall of every magazine your company sold. Models dressed to perfection. While he worked he hummed softly and danced to the music in his head. He didn't realize your presence until you clapped at his performance.

"Very nice. 5 stars for being on key." You giggled and sat in the seat in front of the mirror. He was going to start your hair before realizing he didn't ask what you wanted. 'Your messing this up terribly Lou' He thought to himself. "So what look are we going for? Spontaneous? Business? Your wish is my command." He bowed and cursed under his breath for being so nervous.

"Do what you want. What you feel would work for me." You winked at him through the mirror. He smirked, "Well to be honest, if all the girls looked like you, me and the makeup business would be out of jobs." You blushed at his compliment and looked away. He quickly styled your hair in simple curls (If you already have curly hair. Pick your favorite hairstyle Go wild) and began for a natural look on your face. 

The whole ordeal was peaceful to say the least. You two had witty banter and comebacks, by the end the two of you could be confused with tomatoes. He did a grand gesture and twirled your chair so you would see yourself in the mirror. You looked radiant.

"Wow. I think you forgot something though." You observed. He looked at your face closely. "Are you sure?" He was sure he did everything right. "Yes you forgot my lips." He was confused now. You clearly had lipstick on now why would you say-

You grabbed his shirt by the collar and gave him a kiss on the lips passionately. His eyes widened before melting into your embrace. When your lips left each other he sighed. (SaUcY)

"You could have asked for a napkin."

"I know."


*raises hands in surrender* I'm done. I had the urge to make this angsty BUT nO.

 XD Remember you are loved

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