#9 P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N

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protecting espionage looking rakish and furtively with eloquence, charm, and tenaciously staying immaculate in operations network (omg u have no idea how long it took me to do this.)

Spy AU (I'm pretty sure you get the gist that this is also a human au)

Fight scene!

Welcome to P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N

You looked at the file for your new mission you just received from your partner, Agent Mandy. She was a tough chick you'll give her that, but she was still a newbie, and never looked at where she was going, attacking before analyzing the situation. This ended with you saving her behind a few times. Luckily, she was better at inside work than actual fighting skills.


File number: 46158399

Operatives (currently): Agents, Y/n L/n,  Mandy Incassable

Mission: Go undercover and infiltrate the U.G.L.Y base and find out what Moxy's new cargo is,  it before she sends it to Ox (the leader)who will sell it to the highest bidders and hides in the B.I.G W.O.R.L.D where they won't be tracked for months-years. Report back to base once cargo is secured in our hands where it will be properly disposed of.


The rest of the file was more info on Moxy and her crew and the B.I.G W.O.R.L.D so you skimmed and left the file on your desk. You needed to train a bit more before the mission so you went to the Gauntlet.

The Gauntlet was a simulation of different scenarios you had to defeat, which not to brag or anything, you always passed. The Triple Threat was in there training at the moment, so you had to wait your turn. The trio worked flawlessly together as their combat and trust skills increased the green check appeared on the screen, showing they passed. The girls high-fived before walking to the locker rooms.

 The next person waiting went in and closed the door. It was Lou, son of the boss and pretty much the second leader of this place. He helped design and build the Gauntlet along with teach other inexperienced agents how to pass. He was kind of a teacher spy, but he was as strong as he was smart. He was wearing a black armless undershirt, so his biceps were visible. You once saw him bench press another agent to win a bet. It would have been hot if you weren't laughing at the other agents reactions. He could probably pass this in his sleep.

He walked in stone faced and waited for the simulation to say the operation. "Drug dealing Op" it said metallically. He nodded and hid behind a wooden crate and watched the robots talk to each other. He immediately jumped from his spot and began knocking them down one by one two grabbed his arms but he used it to kick the other robots and flip them. Once he knocked them all down he burned the crates and waited for his score, panting with slight sweat.

The screen flashed red with a huge 'X' next to his face. He growled but regained his composure and smiled. He stepped out and sighed before realizing you were next. He flashed a smile and left the door open for you, leaving you shocked from his score and confused at his quick recovery.

You were surprised, he did everything he was supposed to what happened? You walked in and fought a bit you gained another win before going to the locker room and back to your desk. Lou was still in your mind. 

How could he have failed? Maybe it was a glitch in the Gauntlet, you tried convincing yourself.

"Hey Y/n its almost time for a talk with the boss, there's been a change of plans in the Op." Mandy interrupted your thoughts. you smiled politely and thanked her. She nodded and went back to her desk. Soon, you both changed into your black suits and headed to the Boss' office. The suits didn't leave much for the imagination, so you wouldn't wear it unless necessary. You and Mandy just weren't as flashy as the rest.

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