#2 Sweet Spot

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Ugh that's such a cringe name I can't. Well I'll just go along with it (・へ・). Hope you enjoy because I had this idea yesterday in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep after that. So yea, sleep deprived me is here :D. Also in this one you and Lou are together, because it makes more sense that way lol.

It had been a long day at the institute for Lou. The concerts and signings were getting more chaotic as the Tenors and the other bodyguards' were being swept up by the crowd of dolls. He also had to prepare the lesson plans every day for his students, not to mention trying to keep the uglydolls out of the institute and from going to the Big World. It all just seemed to overwhelm him as he slowly trudged to his mansion. Once he was inside he opened the door to his living room seeing you inside on the couch, covered in blankets and reading a book. You looked up and smiled, seeing his tired state always made him vulnerable to cuddles from you. 

You gestured for him to put his head on your lap, he weakly rolled his eyes but obeyed plopping down and closing his eyes. "Rough day at work Mr.Perfect ?" you asked, stroking your hand in his hair and kissing his forehead. All you received  was a small whine and a slight nod. You giggled as you put your book down and draped a blanket over him still stroking his hair. He rolled around and began to rant ," You would think after all that training with the dolls they would learn something but noooo, Tuesday still doesn't know how to avoid obstacles and those uglies," he groaned "where do I start? They don't follow any of my rules, take today the pink one-" he kept talking on and on but you were lost in your own train of thought. His fluffy hair.

You loved messing with his hair, though he only let you do it in private. He would get flustered or annoyed if you did mess with his hair in front of anyone but secretly, he loved it. Sometimes you would scratch his scalp because it always seemed to calm you down so you thought might as well try. Slowly, you started to scratch behind his ear, hoping he would feel better or at least stop complaining. Suddenly all the emotions he was feeling earlier faded away.

"-all she does is...um is... shoot I can't remember..." he giggled a with a goofy grin plastered on his face. He yawned and slowly curled up with you before falling asleep. You looked at your hand and the place you were scratching like if it was magic. This is going to be fun you smirked at the thought before starting your book again.

Since then, every time Lou gets angry or frustrated in public you would scratch him behind his ear. Before he could react he was already a giggling, blissful mess who wouldn't even remember being angry. You absolutely loved the new power you gained and would use it whenever it benefited you. Like ,say, to buy yourself that cute sweater you saw at the store and before he blew up he was laughing and telling you how amazing you looked in it. This also led to a ton of flirting and kisses from him. You also used it to help some dolls though you tried to keep it a secret.

You were Lou's teaching assistant which meant you followed him around the stage and addressed the rest of the class. He was trying to teach the S'es of messes again for the fifth time because the uglydolls kept painting each other and gluing themselves to the desks. When the gray weird shaped one (I know the names but I'm pretty sure y/n wouldn't idk) sneezed glitter on Lou he snapped. "BY THE LOVE OF THE FACTORY WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME?!" he cried flailing his arms around, unable to keep his composure anymore.

"Ever since you uglies came along your have created my life a hectic nightmare and -oH mY DOLL WOULD YOU STOP AND LISTEN" he seethed his eye has twitching at this point, seeing that the orange apron wearing ugly was eating a muffin from out of nowhere. You looked at the uglydolls with an apologetic expression and tried to get close to Lou. His face was red and his hair was out of place from his shaking and pacing. You gently turned his to face you with your hand his face was filled with hate but it faltered the second he looked at you. He turned away from you and looked at the uglies again ready to start yelling again until you began to scratch him again. His eyes widened before they closed goofy smile on his face again, he sighed happily. The uglydolls looked at you with amazement and were bombarding you with questions.

"How did you do that? It's so cool" gasped one.

"Can you teach me?" replied another.

The orange one continued to eat the muffin as if nothing happened.

"I learned a move like that back at home" mentioned the red bat.

You quieted them down and pointed at Lou, you looked like he fell asleep standing before responding. "Sorry, it's my job to help him out;" you shrugged " I only did it to stop the whining, I get enough of that in the mansion" you winked earning a few giggles from the gang. You looked at Lou before rocking him softly to wake him up. "What happened?" was all he could mumble before looking at the rest of the class. "You fell asleep so I filled in for you. We're in the middle of class" his mouth formed an "oh" trying to make himself presentable. He looked at the uglydolls and smiled genuinely. "Just try to pay attention next time 'kay?" he patted the pink ones head and stood next to you.

"Class is dismissed" you sang, making Lou confused. "But you just said we were in the middle of class." he tilted his head. You smiled mischievously, "But if we leave now we can..." you whispered in his ear. Whatever you said made him smile widely yelling "CLASS DISMISSED!!" before carrying you bridal style to the mansion. 

Mwahaha that was alright not a lot of love was seen in this one but some suggestive things were mentioned *wink wink* Hope you enjoyed and remember that you are loved <3 byee

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