just read idk

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Hello! I just wanted to do a quick survey on which of these prompts is should do first. I'm doing them all so please don't take :)

Prompt #1
"Dude it smells like someone died in here." Lou fanned the air in disgust and turned on the light. He screamed at the sight in front of the two of you. You stood frozen and shakily reached for your phone and dialed the police.
"Hello? Yes someone died in here."

Prompt #2
"C'mon y/n! Everybody who's anybody is going to Lou's b-day bash! It's going to be swell with all the paper shakers coming." Nolan smirked and nudged Mandy, who was powdering her nose. "Nolan you dog, I'm going to give you a shiner." She spat and fluffed her curled hair. He just rolled his eyes, "Don't flip your lid."

Prompt #3
The two heart monitors beeped in harmony, as if the called for each other. Slowly, you propped yourself up and stared at the patient across to you. He looked peaceful, despite the car crash you were both unfortunately a part of. He yawned and stirred, slowly taking in his surroundings. You smiled gently, "howdy neighbor."

Prompt #4
"Don't you 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 leave my sight." His once calming blue eyes now a stormy gray. You held your head low and mumbled slightly, "I was fine-" "HOW? The last time I left you, you died. TWICE." His voice held vulnerability.

Tell me which one you liked and want to see!

Lou x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now