#5 Interrogation part 1?

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Should I do headcannons? Just how I personally think Lou would be in a relationship? Some small details that will make you fall in love with him more. Or annoyed by me, I hope it's not the latter. Anyway, I wanted to write something for you guys before the weekend. Enjoy reading!

"Ma'am do you know why you are here?" A robotic voice questioned you. You rolled your eyes and yawned. 

"Interrogation. Yea I know the drill." you tried to sound as bored as you could while looking at your nails. On the inside, you were terrified. 

"He better have a good excuse" you thought hoping the others were alright.


"Dirkbot I already told you. Me and Y/n had absolutely nothing to do with the fire at Mandy's house." Lou was banging his head on the table. He was frustrated to say the least. The ashes were all over his suit and he had no idea how to take it out.

"Sir we just need answers. I would appreciate it if you cooperated." Dirkbot stated, "Where were you when the fire started?"

Lou scoffed, trying to clean his hair from the soot, "I already told you, I was with Y/n"


"It was just me and Y/n I had no idea where Lou was." Mandy said nervously. Ashes and charcoal were in her hair and smeared in her face. Tearstains were smudged on her cheeks as she tried to process what happened to her house.

Seemabot stared absently at the dirty doll in front of them. Taking small notes in a nearby clipboard.

"And what exactly were you and Y/n doing together when the fire started at your house?"

"I was helping her get through a fight she had with Lou"


"Me and Lou weren't fighting. I was just telling him again that he is always in his office and never leaves work at home. Like seriously it feels like he's closer to his work than me." You mumbled sadly. A small tear rolled off your cheek. You wiped it off with the back of your hand and stared dully at the robot.

"Im sorry to hear that Ms. Y/n. But what happened after the f... disagreement?"

"I told him once he got his priorities in order, he could find me in Mandy's house." you spat.


" She was yelling at me for no reason. She just started ranting and said something about going to Mandy's before slamming the door and leaving." Lou exclaimed. He was confused at your sudden outburst, but didn't bother to ask because he thought you were going through something.

"Ms. Y/n says that you bring your work often to your house. Is this true?" Dirkbot asked.

"Well...It doesn't happen all the time." Lou rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before continuing, "But I told her before we began dating that sometimes I'll be swamped with work but it doesn't mean I don't have time for her."

"It appears she does not see it the same way." Dirkbot said bluntly. That struck Lou.

Did she really feel neglected? I never meant to make her feel lonely, Lou pondered with a sunken look in his eyes. "Can you tell her I'm sorry? please?" he pleaded, only to receive a shaking head

"You'll get the chance to tell her yourself" Dirkbot smiled with a hint of compassion his voice.


"So what happened when you were with Y/n?"  Seemabot gave a box of tissues to Mandy. She wiped her face and answered. 

"She came all stone faced and cold but the second I let her in and closed the door she was sobbing. We were talking and I told her shopping might help her so we went to the new clothing store and she had taken Lou's credit card so...Shopping spree" She did weak jazz hands with a small chuckle.

"Anything else? 

"Not really. She was feeling better so we were heading home until we saw the smoke." Mandy cleared her throat and straightened her glasses. "We ran to where it was coming from and i realized it was my house." Her voice cracked and tears were spilling again. "I saw Lou was right next to my house. He was all scratched up and looked scared. Before I could talk to him he saw me and ran."


"I saw the jerkface before he ran out like the scared pyro doll he is." You seethed. "He probably thought I was in there." you trailed off holding back tears and the huge lump in your throat. You wanted to yell, scream, anything but cry. You didn't want to seem weak, but that's exactly what you did. You crumbled before the robot and sobbed uncontrollably.

The robot couldn't comfort you, it only scooted a tissue box close to you and left to talk with the other robots.

You wanted comfort, someone to hug you and say it was ok. Consider you strong when you cried. Lou used to be that doll. But lately, you weren't so sure anymore.


Well,well,well who asked for a cliffhanger? I'm not sure where I want to go with this but i wanted all the stories to contrast from each other but fit perfectly in the end y'know? It's one of my favorite tropes ngl. Anyway I will finish this and i hope its good. Wonder how Lou's going to get out of this one haha. Remember that you are loved<3

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