#4 Uglier Truth

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Hello mates! I hope you like this book so far :) I wanted to ask if ya'll can please comment and tell me how I'm doing so far I would really appreciate it. I also want to take requests if ya'll want and i'll see what I can do :) I do a hard pass for lemons or smut. If I do OC's you have to send me a ton of info on them and a pic of how they look. That is all I wanted to say so hope you enjoy this chapter. This one has songs so yay :D

You and Lou were the leaders of Perfection. You two did everything together, after all the perfect couple had to keep appearances. Singing and dancing, along with teaching and trashing other dolls. What more could you ask for? It couldn't get better than this, you always thought. Until that fateful day happened.

The Day they came

It started off as all perfect day's do. More dolls were made as you showed them your award winning smile on your face and led them to their new homes or Lou's class. Just as you were about to walk to another doll who was made just yesterday, you heard ear peircing screams coming from the individualization scanners. Swiftly, you ran to the scene hoping another incident  didn't happen like last time. shuddering at the thought you looked at what the other dolls were gawking about and gasped.

A pink fuzzball with three teeth and a small, bow-like thing was on top of her head. Along with an orange,grey,red,and blue fuzzballs. You weren't really sure what else to describe them besides ugly fuzzballs. They seemed to be bothering the other dolls so you walked in front of the pink one and showed a weak smile. 

"Welcome to the Institute of Perfection! May I ask what your doing here?" You tried very much not to throw them out.  While "pinky" was trying to trying to explain they wanted to go to the Big World. The lights went out and a spotlight was shown on a silhouette of a doll. You excused yourself and tried to make your way to the front of the crowd. 

-------------------Im going to skip to the part where he see's the uglies----------------------

The Tenor's sang to a crying doll who had freckles and a green stripe in his hair. I gotta admit he's kinda cute. For an Imperfection anyway, you thought as you turned your attention back at Lou, who's expression showed that he had just seen the uglydolls.

"WAIT!" he yelled with his arms gesturing to stop. The music slowed down into a romantic pace as his eyes locked on the pink doll who looked nervous.

"Look at you, look at you, look at you, I ain't seen nothing like you before. I mean words fail me; I mean I'm tongue-tied, i mean i'm speechless baby." You glared daggers at Lou, he sung that part to you all those years ago and you were ready to give him a piece of your mind. Until he looked in your direction and winked, 

What are you up to Louis?

"What's thing like you doing in a place like this" he pointed towards the surprised ugly and the rest of the institute. "I gotta tell you girl you're pretty~" The Tennor's smirked to one another before yelling "Pretty Ugly" Causing Lou to shrug innocently, making you giggle.

"You poor,poor thing" he sang to the apron-wearing doll before a paper bag was placed on her head.

"Don't look so sad" poking the stomach of the hurt grey one.

"I'm sorry you're so ugly" He stood behind them with a disappointed look and his hand close to his face. "Is that-" the pink one looked like his answer would shatter her "Real bad," he stated bluntly.

He crawled on the floor to scare the red bat. "Imagine how you traumatize some unsuspecting youth," He then walked to the bag-wearing doll and peeked under only to act frightened and shove it back on. "Why it would be U-G-L-Y" 

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