#23 Lemonade

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crackfic I thought of on the spot lol enjoy also none of that 'widdle uwu tawk hewre' 

Kid! Human Au (by kids I mean around 4-6)

"Lemonade! Get your lemonade here!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. Your propped your elbow on the lemonade stand and sighed dramatically. Usually in a hot, summer day like this people would line up for your lemonade. But the streets were empty and the heat was starting to bug you.

You served yourself a cup and took a big gulp. "Oops forgot to pay." You told yourself and searched your pockets for money, which you didn't have. You looked at the money jar, which ironically had no money it. You grabbed your small notepad behind the stand and wrote down,

"I owe myself money."

A few minutes have passed and the heat of the sun was started to make you sleepy. You yawned and looked at the barren streets. The ice inside your pitcher was starting to melt so you placed it next to your feet for shade. You covered your face with your arms and leaned on the stand. You were starting to nod off before you heard a voice calling you.

"Excuse me." it was a small whisper so you thought that you made it up.

"EXCuse ME." the voice was louder so you shook awake. You waved your hand and rubbed your eyes, "Whaaaat." you whined loudly. You opened your eyes and saw a boy your age in front of you. His clothes was fancier than yours so he probably lived in one of those super huge mansions next to your house. Which was on the other side of the fence where the normal houses were.

"Can I have some lemonade?" He looked annoyed as he fiddled with his trousers. You picked the pitcher up and placed it on the stand. You served it slowly like your mother taught you so you wouldn't spill it. He was going to grab it before you slapped his hand. He yelped in pain and held his arm closely. "OW! What was that for?" He rubbed his hand to soothe the sting.

"Your supposed to say please." You said in a 'duh' tone. He looked confused for a second and asked sheepishly, "Can I pleeeease have some lemonade?" He clasped his hands together in a pleading way. You tapped your chin in thought and gave him a toothy grin. "Ok here you go!" 

You were going to hand it to him but remembered he had to pay. "WAIT-" you snatched it from his hands and put it back on the stand. He was mad now. "Why? I said please! And I'm never told to say please!" He stomped his foot and waited for your answer. You pointed towards the sign on your stand which read, 'Lemonade. 1 dollar.'

"You owe me a whole dollar mister." You spat. He was even more confused. He was never asked to pay for anything. His parents always gave him what he wanted. He thought it was always free. "But I have no money." He checked his pockets to see if he had anything. You shrugged and placed the cup closer to you to tease him. He looked sadly at the cup and looked at you with big puppy eyes.

'Darn, he's handsome.' you thought to yourself before shaking it away. You thought a bit more. "What if..." You tried to think of a way for him to pay you. He leaned in with hope radiating off of him. You blushed but blamed it on the heat. "I'll let you have an entire cup for free IF we get to play together." He was beyond dumbfounded.

"My parents don't let me play with anyone." He kept his head low as an apology. "Why not?" "They say I have to be ready to take on the business." 

"But your a kid!" you looked at him weirdly. "That's what I said!" he flailed his arms at someone finally understanding. You thought to yourself again, maybe you could ask his parents to let him play. You were blessed with a cute charm after all. You walked at of your stand and stood in front of him. You were about the same height.

"I'm going to talk to your parents. They have to listen!" You put your hands on your hips in determination. The boy smiled as his blue eyes gleamed. "You would do that for a stranger?" You nodded violently and he laughed at your silliness. "My house is over there. Lemme show you." He grabbed your hand and began to walk towards his house.

"My names Lou." He rocked your hand back and forth like a swing as you walked. You smiled and walked with him side by side. "My names Y/n. Can we be friends?" He pretended to think about it. "Only if I get free lemonade." you rolled your eyes. "Fiiine. But only after you pay me." you poked his chest and laughed.

This was going to be the start of something beautiful.


Remember you are loved <3

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