Corbyn, I'm sorry

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Daniel frowns a little before replying, "i'm not sure. I don't want to leave Corbyn on his own." 

Franny frowns sadly before saying, "it's okay. I get it." 

Daniel felt guilt crawl up his spine as he said, "alright, i'll stay. But i'll need to let Corbyn know." 

Franny nods, trying to keep the grin from slipping onto her face. 


It was beginning to get dark when they decided to head back to Franny's house. 

Daniel was looking out the window as Franny drove when he suddenly remembered Corbyn, he was going to call him and tell him straight away, but he got pulled by Franny and they ended up going to a carnival and just having fun around there until it got dark. 

"Shit." Daniel mumbled under his breath as he pulled out his phone. 


Corbyn frowned at the darkening sky, Daniel was still nowhere to be seen, and Corbyn couldn't help but feel sad. 

He started to doubt, his and Daniels relationship; thinking maybe Daniel doesn't like him anymore, and Franny took him. 

Just as he thought that his phone began to ring, and he picked it up to see it was Daniel. 

Corbyn wiped the tears that he unknowingly let fall as he answers. 

"Corbs, babe, I am so sorry I didn't call you sooner." Daniel says as soon as Corbyn presses accept. 

Corbyn wipes his falling tears, and takes a small breath. "It's okay Dani, I understand." Corbyn says, his voice betraying him as his voice cracks slightly with emotion. 

Daniel frowned deeply knowing something is wrong with Corbyn. 

"Corbs, what's wrong?" Daniel asks, worried something might have happened. 

Corbyn thinks about telling Daniel the truth, but then his thoughts cloud his mind, so instead he lets out a small laugh and says, "oh I just stubbed my toe before you called." 

Daniel frowns, wondering if he was telling the truth but decided not to push him.

"When are you coming back?" Corbyn asks, a slight edge to his voice. 

Daniel clears his throat before saying, "about that. Franny said I should stay the night, and then we were going to hang out tomorrow as well. You don't mind right? I can always come back tonight if you would prefer." 

With every word that was said Corbyn felt as though it was a stab to his heart, maybe his thoughts were right. Maybe Daniel really did like Franny and he didn't like Corbyn anymore. 

And yet, Corbyn couldn't find it in himself to speak what was on his mind. The fears and worry that clouded him mind and made him feel worse and worse with every second. No. Instead he said, "Okay Dani. It's okay, I understand, have fun." 

Daniel frowned, Corbyn didn't sound like himself and it scared Daniel. He always wanted Corbyn to be happy, he never wanted to hurt him in anyway, and yet he couldn't help but think- no, know something was wrong. 

"Corbyn, are you sure you're okay?" Daniel asks, wanting to know the truth. 

Yet Corbyn doesn't tell the truth, instead he smiles a little, tears hazing his eyes as he says, "I'm okay Daniel. Have fun with Franny, I love you." 

And with that, he hung up and let a sob escape his throat. 

He couldn't help it, he just felt so alone here. The house that normally was full of light and happiness, was now cold and dark. Without Daniel beside him Corbyn didn't feel right. 

Dorbyn one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon