Emerson Imagine

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Your POV

I sigh sitting up in my bed. My head was pounding and it took everything in me not to fall asleep again. I slap the alarm clock to my left causing the beeping to stop. I sigh getting up from my bed and throwing on my sweater and jeans. I see it's 11:00 already and quickly grab my laptop bag and head out the door.

Once I reach the cafe which was my end destination, I walk inside and join the line of five people. Ordering my drink I check my phone for any texts and by the time I am done responding my name is called with my drink. I grin grabbing it from the man behind the counter and find an empty table setting my things beside me. I quickly pull my computer out taking a sip of coffee. I open my essay and start typing and hope I'll be able to get it done by the end of the day.

*About an hour later brought to you by the Tonight Is The Night I Die teaser*

I feel a new presence around me and look up seeing a pirate looking man standing next to the table I am at.
"May I sit here?" He asks softly seeming nervous. Was there anyway I was going to let this pretty boy slip through my fingers? Nope!
"Of course!" I say with a grin, taking a sip of coffee before going back to my essay. He sits and I hear the sound of pencil scratching on paper but I think nothing of it.

I finally have finished my essay and I sit back in my chair shutting my laptop. I look up at the man who is still sitting in front of me and he seems to be finished doing what he was doing as well. Without a word he slides me a drawing. It's of me sitting and typing. I grin and look up at the man who now has his hand extended to me.
"I'm Emerson Barrett."
"Y/n L/n"

I finally got an idea!

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