Emerson Imagine (requested)

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Your POV

Here I am. Sitting alone in my apartment. Tired and bored. Ooo also hungry. Food is needed.

Once I'm done with my second bowl of cereal, I check the clock.
2 a.m. Already?
I think to myself as I groan. Another lonely night, having to sleep in this king size bed by myself.
See, my boyfriend, Emerson, is away. Him and his brothers are in a band and are on tour. Due to my work, I couldn't go with them as I usually do. Between tours I switched jobs. This new boss is less flexible then my old one.
I crawl into bed and under the covers, hugging his pillow to my chest. I feel Monkey nudge my foot and I let out a soft giggle.
"Yes I know. I'm not actually lonely." I speak to the dog before I feel my brain slip into sleep.

I awake to the feeling of an arm snaking around my waist. Panic racks my body, until I see a familiar X tattoo on the hand that brushes my stomach. I don't think I've ever rolled over so fast in my life.
"Yes I'm home. Now let me have my pillow back." Emerson grumbles at me.
I shove him his pillow and throw all my limbs around him, clinging.
"My little spider monkey." He says with a warm smile before falling asleep with me in his arms.
I've missed that smile

Hello! Look at me, writing again! Thank you for all your support! This past month I have been working on a musical with my high school. I am glad to be able to write again but sad it is over. Please do send more requests! Go to the Votes chapter for more info! Thank you for your patience!💚

Requested by McKenzieDEADX_X

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