
Start from the beginning

"Thank you, L/n-chan." He turned his head and saw his friend. A sudden urge to shout his name filled him up. 

"TSUKKI!" You laughed as you watched Yamaguchi run with his life to catch up to him. Upon hearing the sheer volume of his friend's voice, Tsukishima flinched and turned around. By that time, you had already left to let the two talk and hoped Tsukishima's keen eyes won't notice you.

The far distance made Yamaguchi run out of breath while Tsukishima furrowed his brows at his friend's sudden actions. 

"What is it?" Tsukishima quietly asked. The moon that has been hiding behind the gray clouds started showing.

"Tsukki, you've always done everything in a cool, smart way," Yamaguchi replied, all while gasping for air. "I was always jealous," he continued. 


Yamaguchi gathered all the courage he could and looked straight at his friend in the eyes.

"But lately you're being lame, Tsukki!" exclaimed Yamaguchi. Tsukishima gasped. That was totally so unexpected of the kind and gentle Yamaguchi. 

"Hinata might become the Tiny Gian someday. That just means you have to beat him, Tsukki!" Tsukishima's eyes widened slightly. 

"You should prove with your skills that you're a more amazing player than Hinata is!" A frown formed on Tsukishima's face. Just from the words that came out of his friend's mouth, Tsukishima couldn't believe what Yamaguchi was saying. His brows furrowed, just why is his friend saying those things when it's easier said than done?

Yamaguchi continued on, "You have the height, brains, and instinct. So why do you decide that getting any better is impossible?!" The poor boy was gasping for air. The feeling of annoyance and confusion still lingered inside Yamaguchi. 

Tsukishima stared at him. "Even if I work really hard and become the best player on Karasuno's team, what will happen after that? Huh? On the off chance that we get to the national championships, what's beyond that? There will always be someone better than you. It's endless. Even if you are able to show some results somewhere...

"You'll never actually be number one! You're gonna lose somewhere! Everyone knows that. So what is the driving force behind everyone?!" Yamaguchi understood where he was coming from. He knew the pain he felt when that incident happened. However, he couldn't handle it anymore. It was as if his own friend was saying that his efforts to improve are nothing but a waste of time. It hurt him. Yamaguchi clenched his fist and jaw. Remembering his failed serve during the Aoba Johsai match made him feel even worse. Finally, he decided to let his anger take control of him. 

Stepping a foot forward, Yamaguchi aggressively grabbed his friend's shirt and pulled him with force. "WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED OUTSIDE OF YOUR OWN PRIDE?!"

"You're being a coward and lame!" He lets go and glares at Tsukishima. "I know you like volleyball! So why are you acting like you don't care?! You're acting the same way with L/n. I know you like her Tsukki! Ever since she bluntly asked you out you've been smitten with her! So why are you acting like a total douchebag and ignoring her?!"

Tsukishima's lips parted and his eyes widened in disbelief. This was a side he had never seen before. Needless to say, Tsukishima couldn't help but smile. Yamaguchi snapped out of it and immediately panicked. 

"Since when did you become so cool?" questioned Tsukishima. On the inside, he was affected by what his friend had said-- not because he found it offensive, but because he was right. Tsukishima's fist clenched upon realizing something. 

"I'm gonna go somewhere," he said. He was planning to go to the upperclassmen that asked him to practice yesterday. Tsukishima had a burning question that he deeply wants to be answered. As he walked toward the large gym, he let out a small gasp when he saw your small figure surrounded by the three tall upperclassmen. 

"Ohh! You donated to Karasuno. I thought you were the manager." An energetic, black and white-haired man commented. You shook your head and smiled. Earlier, you were caught watching them practice for entertainment and now, they've taken interest in you. 

"Do you mind if I watch, senpai?" you asked. Just when the tall man with rooster hair opened his mouth to reply, his eyes turned to someone behind you. 

"Oya?" You turned around, only to be greeted by Tsukishima's presence. Your heart skipped a beat in panic, surprised at your crush's sudden appearance. 

"L/n..." he softly called. The man with the rooster hairstyle raised a brow and smirked. 

"Your girlfriend, Megane-kun?" Your cheeks flushed and heated up, quickly denying the question. 

"Please don't surround her. I was about to call the cops on you. I'm sorry if she's a bother, she's a bit on the ditzy side--"

"Hey!" You crossed your arms and glared at him. Tsukishima condescendingly smiled. You were supposed to feel annoyed, pissed or even angered at the insult but you felt nothing but joy. It seems as if he was back to the snarky and annoying boy you missed. As masochistic as it sounds, you preferred this Tsukishima over being treated with the silent treatment. 

"Stay here. I'll be quick," reassured Tsukishima and like always, you obediently nodded. 

The three upperclassmen looked at Tsukishima as if he was the person they least expected to come in. A smirk appeared on their faces.

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