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"Da-na-na-la-la~" I sang as I washed the potatoes.

I was wearing my earphones preparing the dinner. Lyla and Won-Young went to the woods to find some wood sticks because Jimin just announced that we would have a bonfire tonight.

I tied up my long black hair into a messy bun and pulled up my sleeves so they wouldn't get wet.

I grabbed the potatoes and tried shaking them as hard as I could, drying them.

I placed them on a small plastic chopping board. My fingers danced as I scanned through the knives.

Which one should I use?

"This would be fine."

"Oh," I chuckled after I lifted up my head, "hey Jimin."

"Hey, cutting potatoes huh?"


We tittered.

I took the knife from his grip.

When I was about to cut my first potato, he held my wrist. He turned me around so I would be facing him.

The sudden action made me forget how to breathe properly. I held my breath.


He chuckled, "are you that scared of me?" He's probably referring to my posture.

I wasn't letting go of my knife. I held it tight with my right hand and a small potato with the other hand.

He reached out. His hand coming closer to my cheeks.

What is he trying to do?

He came closer.


His hand slowly crept over the side of my cheeks.

"Jimin, stop right now. This is inappropr-"

"Your glasses," he said after he fixed them.

"Chill girl, your glasses slipped. I'm just helping you cause you gotta cut potatoes right?" He scoffed.

"Right," I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Hold up, did you think I was about to-"

"Jimin, you don't have to say it out," I warned with the sweetest smile in the world.

Jimin raised up his hands in defense and cocked his brows. He smirked, "you naughty girl."

I couldn't hold it anymore. "Jimin! We're camping right now. Don't make those jokes. People can fucking hear us," I whispered in one breath.

"Just cut your potatoes, you've been procrastinating for the past 6 minutes," he mockingly added, "Seohyunnie."

I stared at him in disbelief but he only returned with a flirty wink.

Calm down.

Take a deep breath.

I focused back on my cute potatoes and placed my knife closer to it.

"You don't cut like that, look," he was back to his normal teaching state but it still sent me shivers when he came forward. He wrapped his big arms around my body, his hands on mine.

"Look how I do it okay?" He said. His breath brushed against my neck.

"So first, you never ever put your potatoes like that. You will end up cutting yourself. Instead you should..."

I wasn't listening anymore as I stared, not at the potatoes, not at the knife,

but his veined hands.

I knew I'd said this before but I had never had such a close look at them.

He didn't have very pale skin. He looked slightly tanned. His hands were still wearing a lot of silvery rings, some linking to each other with a short chain. A few thin bracelets were worn on his wrists.

As he wasn't covering his arm, I could see a vague tattoo a bit lower on his wrist, the number '13'.

He began to demonstrate how to properly chop the potatoes with a knife and I could feel his chest moving back and forth.

I bit my lips.

Shit shit shit.

"Are you listening?"

I jumped to his question.


"Good, now you do it," he said and stood behind me.

I picked up the knife.

"Mr. Park, can you please come and help us with the box please?" A girl yelled.

"Sure, coming," he responded.

"Be careful with the knife, okay? It's dangerous," he noted concernedly before he ran off.

I heavily exhaled and dropped the knife onto the chopping board. I leaned against the desk.

Jimin, I think you're the most dangerous one here.

(A/N: im trying to come up with an update timetable! Between my fanpage on IG, this WP page and my schoolwork.

Im going to be so busy this year cause my GCSEs are coming. My first mock will be on Friday😭😭)

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