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I gasped and pushed him away on his chest.

I stared at him in surprise and shock. His lips were obviously pinker than normal.

"Jimin, did we just..." I pointed at him then back at me.

Jimin blinked while his chest went up and down quickly.

"No that's not the main thing. Jimin," I gulped and stepped forward, "look at the time."


"My mum said I gotta go back home by 6," I whispered. I bit my lips, I was already trembling thinking about how angry my mum would get when I arrive home later.

Jimin raised his brows slowly realizing why I looked so scared. "Oh, shit~"

"I know. What should I do?" I growled.

"Let's go now. Run," he suggested. He still looked muzzy and I was sure, the reason for that was because he's still immersed in the kiss just now.

He's not out of it yet.

We ran together and got into a taxi.

It was a quiet car ride. I forced myself to face the window only.

I was worried, but also excited and satisfied for what happened.

Does the kiss mean the same for him? As how it meant for me?

That question only repeated in my mind continously and never stopped.


"I'll go now. Te..text me when you reach home," I stuttered after I closed the taxi door.

"Sure. Good night Seohyun," he said and waved at me.

I smiled and soon the taxi drove away.

I sighed slowly turning around. The house seemed to look darker than usual.

It's just 11 pm but no light was on already.

It's just ... nothing, no one.

"What should I do... How can I explain?" I asked myself and frowned.

"Ah! What the hell?" I screamed but lowered my volume immediately.

I spotted someone glancing at me on the second floor.

That room belongs to ...

Taehyung Oppa.

What is he doing there?

After he took a glance at me, he ran away. However he swiftly returned with something in hand.

My face only scrunched up even more as I got even more confused.

After Taehyung finished doing something in his hands, he raised it up.

Oh it's a piece of paper.

With words on it.

He's writing something to me.

"You. Are. Fuck. Ing. Dead. Rip." I read it out.

My jaw dropped.

"For real?" I mouthed dramatically.

I'm about to cry.

He lowered his head writing something new again.

He raised it up with a smirk on his face.

"What. Do. You. Think. How's. Your. Date. With. Jungkook. Tho."

"The fuck?" I mouthed back.

First I'm doomed. Mum's gonna kill me.

Second, how come he knows that I'm out for a date? And Jungkook? No!

I gave up and put my head up high before I confidently walked to the door.

Ding dong-


That's my mind right now.

I heard someone rushing to the door with heavy footsteps.

I held my breath when the door opened, revealing my mum in her pyjamas.

"Hey mum."

Act normal.

She looked furious as fuck. She gritted her teeth before she spoke, "I see why you failed in Maths class now. You don't even know how to read the time huh?"

I exhaled, "sorry mum. I didn't mean to. I went to Lyla's house after buying bubble tea and we took a nap after watching a movie. I just woke up."

I'm such a smart kid.

I could feel sweat forming on my forehead waiting for her approval.


"Go get shower. You've had a long day. You smell bad."

"O- Oh. Just that?"

"What? Is there something that I should know?" She titled her head suspecting me now.

"No! No mum! Thanks for waiting for me tonight. I love you," I exclaimed and kissed her on the cheek before I ran to my room.

I shut the door and locked it. I leaned against the door and slowly slid down onto the floor.

My breathing was quick. I gently put my hand on my chest.

My heart was rushing.

My hands went to my lips. My cheeks immediately reddened.

A little shy smile went onto my face.

"He's an aggressive man, isn't he..." I giggled quietly.

"Did he do it on purpose?"

"Nah... Or maybe!"

I hid behind my hair and screamed while kicking my legs.

"Oh, right."

I just remembered that it's going to be sports day on Monday.

Welp, I gotta dress nicely then.

For him of course.

I lay on the floor rolling from side to side and sang some weird love songs that I didn't even know where I heard them from.

"Ah- Ow," I murmured when I hit the door with my head.

Right at that moment, a piece of paper was slid into my room from the little gap under the door.

I took it up and read, "chill out sis. I understand that first time having sex is exciting but it's 11 now so, shut up."

I scoffed, "is he serious? No- Sex? The hell."

I heard someone laughing at the corridor before I quickly stood up.

"Taehyung! Oppa, wait! It's not what you think!" I yelled.

I opened the door and ran to him who's now escaping from me.

To be continued...

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙂𝙪𝙮 | PJM ffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें